Saturday, September 1, 2012

weekly picture post

How is it already September? This year is flying by. With all the rain we've had this past week, it feels like summer has come to an abrupt end. It was so hot for so long, I don't feel like I got to get out and do a lot of the things I planned. And it's already starting to get dark earlier. Ahh! It makes me anxious. I enjoy fall and the holidays, but there is something about summer that makes me feel so free.

I really like this picture. It's obviously not professional, or even very clear for that matter, but it really captures the essence of my peeps. TJ is being a good dad, Will is in constant motion, and Lojo is happy to participate.

When I got out of the shower on Monday (mid) morning I heard Will playing the piano and singing to Lauren. He was a bit embarrassed that I "caught" him, but then he decided he wanted me to stay and watch him play more songs. This kid really loves music, there's no denying that.

These two kids are crazy. I was in the kitchen preparing lunch when I heard the two of them start to laugh. Curious, I walked to the family room and saw Will licking Lauren. When I asked him what he thought he was doing he told me he was a dog. Yuck. Oh, and yes, Will is wearing the same pajamas at midday on Tuesday that he was wearing Monday morning. I had a migraine and Tony was out of town, so Will's wardrobe was not a high priority.

The second verse of this hymn really speaks to me. "Fill our hearts with sweet forgiving, Teach us tolerance and love. Let our prayers find access to thee, In thy holy courts above."  I often hear those phrases in my mind when I think about the person I want to be.

On Thursday afternoon we had Will's friends Holden and Gretchen over for a few hours. Will and Holden enjoyed bouncing on our old couch. It is fun to see Will interact and enjoy other kids, even if they were a bit mischievous.

On Friday two very kind friends came over to share some of their "cooking with allergies" secrets. They also brought along some of their favorite allergy-free products. I really enjoyed talking to them, and feel so much more empowered to branch out. We've been eating a lot of chili, meat, and potatoes. Thanks Rosemary and Erin! It is so much easier to try something new when you have a good support system.

We visited some friends in Missouri and on the way home decided to stop and fill up on their cheap Missouri gas. I suppose cheap is a relative term, but it was twelve cents less per gallon, so we probably saved about $1.50. Tony let Will "help" him get gas once about a month ago, and apparently now getting gas is something Will must do. Not pictured is Lauren, who cried in the car while Will got to help and I got out to document.


The Cunninghams said...

Cute, cute pictures! I love the weekly picture posts!

Laura said...

Love it! I especially love the picture of Will at the piano. He is, in his words, a handsome boy!

Michelle C said...

What a sweet little family. The kids are getting so big!!!