Monday, September 10, 2012

weekly picture post

Sunday after church Will helped me make cookies, which is always a treat. Will is a little negotiator. "Just one last bite of dough." "This is the last bite." "No more bites after this." It is a bit tiring, but I enjoy spending time with him when he is (for the most part) happy. As a side note, while the mixer does make the cookie making process go faster, one of its valuable hidden features is the fact that Will is scared to put his fingers in the bowl when it is on. You could say that the cookies we've been making lately have been very well mixed.

We had a pretty busy Labor Day, but TJ let me take a few hours for myself in between activities and hit the pool one last time before it closed for the season.

On Tuesday evening we had dinner at our friends, the Bowers. On the way to their home Will fell asleep. We tried to wake him up, but he was zonked out. We laid him on the couch, and their sweet dog guarded him until he woke up.

On Wednesday morning we visited Anthony's work. Anthony had to pick up a few things before he flew to DC, so we stopped by on our way to the airport. Will is very proud of the huge building Tony works in.

This week playgroup met at a park I had never before visited. Will was a fan of the merry-go-round, though he didn't want to admit it. This is the face he's been giving me lately when he is enjoying himself, but doesn't want to seem too excited. I guess you could say it is his poker face, but I don't think he is fooling anyone.

Even though she barely makes the frame, I quite enjoy Lauren in this picture. She really enjoys swinging these days, and I feel like you can see the excitement in her face. I love it when she kicks her chunky legs in delight. She seems to have a very adventurous spirit.

Lauren loves to be a part of whatever Will is doing. Will goes back and forth as to how he feels about things, but he seems to like it when she copies what he does. She can never do it with the same skill and precision he can, but she does her best. They both like to throw things over our stairs. Will likes to make Lauren jump at the noise he can make when he throws something over.


Shelly said...

Your family is darling! Love the weekly updates.

Susan said...

Are those Cheetos in your pool bag? Mmm... I could go for some Cheetos right now. Looks like a fun week!

Laura said...

I LOVE Will's "poker face." That picture is so great.