Sunday, September 23, 2012

weekly picture post

I recently noticed a bunch of toys that Will played with when he was Lauren's age in the corner of his room. We brought them out for Lauren to enjoy and it has been fun to see her use them. She is also learning that crawling in a dress is a bit more complicated than crawling in onesies or leggings.

This picture sums up a lot of their interactions these days. Anyone have any good tips on teaching your kids how to share?

Tuesday evening one of Will's friends had a birthday gathering at the park. Both kids were fussy and uncooperative as I got us ready to go, and then they cried for the first five minutes in the car. Then things got quiet, and when we pulled up to the park they were both asleep. The catnaps helped--both kids enjoyed the party at the park.

On Wednesday Lauren got to hang out with one of her foreordained BFFs, Gwen. Gwen's mom and I have been friends since we were twelve, so it is a given they will be friends too.  It was such a gorgeous day, the girls enjoyed lounging on the blanket while their big brothers got into mischief in the sandbox and their mom's commiserated about the exhausting side of motherhood.

Our special helper. Will insists on helping us do many things. Unfortunately his skills don't always match up with his enthusiasm.

Lauren is always on the move. I thought my house was fairly baby proofed, but she is showing me the error of my assumptions. We moved into this house when Will was 20 months old and walking, so our house is more kid-proofed than baby-proofed if that makes sense.

It's that weird time of year when it is impossible to dress for the entire day. You can either dress for the morning and be too hot in the afternoon, or dress for the afternoon and be too cold all morning. We tried to mix it up with long sleeves and shorts, but ended up a little chilly when we went to the park Saturday morning. #fallproblems


Laura said...

As always, loved the post. I love seeing pictures of will and lauren together. They're pretty dang cute.

Susan said...

We've been working on sharing with Evaline and Clara for six months at least. It's gradually getting better. But 2's a tough age to be willing to share. Good luck!