Monday, September 17, 2012

the many faces of will

Will is a pretty expressive kid. He's catching on to this, and has started giving us his "unimpressed" face when he doesn't want us to know how he really feels.

 Will = having fun, but not going to give me the satisfaction of knowing he's having fun, so he's trying not to smile.

Here are some of his other faces:

My personal fave:

Especially when compared to Lauren:

Here are their faces in context:

It's not like we are torturing him. We're at a baseball game. In the part of the stadium that caters to kids!

I guess I can take comfort in knowing that when he does smile, they're. . .genuine?


Laura said...

haha oh will. he's a funny one.

Lauren said...

I lol'd at your favorite one of Will! He is so funny! I can't wait to see what he's like in a few years.