Saturday, September 15, 2012

weekly picture post

Sunday was a very long day. We got up before seven to drive TJ to the airport. Then we went to church where Will's diaper soaked through his pants and I didn't have a spare outfit. And then the afternoon just felt really long. Even on afternoons when Tony is busy with one thing or another I always have his homecoming to anticipate. After we ate an extremely early dinner we headed outside for a bit to kill time. Turns out it was a gorgeous evening and we finished the day on a happy note. We are really enjoying this cooler weather.

On Monday we made plans with friends in Olathe, and on the drive home Will got grump-y. I took this picture at a stoplight. Lauren got fussy, most likely because she was tired, which prompted Will to yell at her to stop crying, which made Lauren start to cry, which made Will really mad and so he started yelling louder and crying, which made Lauren cry even louder. It was a real cycle of joy.

Anthony improves the quality of my life in many ways. One of the ways he does this is by encouraging me to get in bed at a decent time. Since he was out of town I ended up staying up pretty late cleaning our fridge and pantry. It's hard to say if the feeling of accomplishment I felt after I finished was enough to balance out the feelings of exhaustion I felt the next afternoon, but I am still feeling pleased just by looking at this picture, so I think I made the right choice.

This little lady is getting so big. Really, she is. She's gained a pound and a half since her stint in the hospital. I think about the word thriving all the time now, and I'm so pleased to see Lauren really "thriving."

Will and I made some jello playdough on Thursday afternoon. It felt very cozy to be in the kitchen working on a project while the rain came down outside. Will was a great (albeit impatient) helper. He took his jobs very seriously.

 Oh hi, just hanging out on a blanket in the front yard, enjoying a beautiful late summer afternoon.

On Saturday evening we walked to the park with some friends. We've switched off babysitting the past two weekends, and it's been pretty sweet. The kids have had someone to play with both weekends, and we got to go on a date and save on the childcare. Win-win.


Tina said...

I love the hand holding in the last picture. I always think that's so cute with kids. Glad to hear that Lauren is "thriving". She always looked pretty good to me!

Tina said...
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