April 28 |
The John men have some impressive bed head. Everyone took a mandatory Sunday afternoon nap, and when the boys got up they both walked into the room at the same time and their messy hair made me chuckle. They seem to have inherited the enviable body and thickness of Anthony's hair. Anthony did not get much of an afternoon nap because he got home too late. That evening we hosted the monthly BYD for the youth in our ward. Anthony talked about agency and our kids hovered around the table afterwards hoping to snag some extra dessert.
April 29 |
Life with a newborn. Early in the week Miles was very grumpy and cried for much of the evening hours, though by the end of the week he was back to his more calm ways. Anthony has been burning the candle at both ends lately--last week he did the security for early morning seminary so he had to get up at 4:45am each day. This week was the bishop's breakfast where he had to be at the church at 5am! On top of that he's been very busy with his job, going in early and working late to get some reports finished by the weekend. Plus his regular dad and bishop stuff.
April 30 |
Lauren threw up in the night on Monday, and had to stay home from school on Tuesday. She slept and watched Sofia the First for most of the day. I had planned on running several errands that day, so we had a change of plans and worked on stuff around the house. The worst part of Lauren feeling sick was that she couldn't be around Miles. Luckily it ran its course quickly and she was able to return to school Wednesday. She was not happy with me when I wouldn't let her cuddle with her brothers on the couch. When I took this picture of the boys Will said, "I knew as soon as I put my arm around Elliott that you would want a picture." He knows me well.
May 1 |
Will has been participating in Chat and Chew this year and Wednesday they discussed their last book of the year--
Nasty, Stinky Sneakers. He enjoys reading, but is often distracted by sports and so it is nice to have books chosen for him. He said his favorite book they read this year was
The Boxcar Children, followed by
Nasty, Stinky Sneakers, then
Punished, and last
Gadget Wars.
May 2 |
Our azaleas are in full bloom! It's my favorite week of the year and our house never looks better than when they are out in their full glory. We were forecasted to have a fair amount of rain this week--and we did--but luckily it never rained hard enough to knock the flowers off the plant.
May 3 |
The kids had no school Friday and I had grand plans to take them to Crown Center, go to Kalediscope and visit the Wizard of Oz exhibit before it closes. Unfortunately, I woke up not feeling very well. I think I caught whatever Lauren had because I threw up and ran a fever for about 24 hours. Thankfully the neighbors were available and they played together quite well for hours.
May 4 |
Saturday evening we had a family movie night and watched
Troop Beverly Hills. By the end of the movie it was just me, Anthony and Lauren watching. Will got bored and went to our front room to play wall ball (throwing the ball against the wall and then diving to catch wherever it lands) and Elliott passed out from exhaustion. The crazy three-year-old is waking up earlier by the day and refuses to sleep during his quiet time. He is having a hard time making it past 7pm most days. I took the day easy (which drove me crazy because I had a lot of things I wanted to do) and was feeling mostly back to normal by the end of the day.
What is "Security" at seminary? I have never heard of that!
Our Stake insists on having security at every event that is held at the church, mutual, RS activities, and seminary. If the event is not at the church, no security is needed. Our ward gets volunteers to stand watch for a week at a time.
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