May 19 |
We ate dinner with my parents on Sunday evening, and I joined Elliott and my dad on the back porch after dinner for a little catch.
May 20 |
Elliott, Miles and I met my friend Tara at the Johnson County Museum for a few hours Monday afternoon. We've been trying to get together for months, but life has gotten in the way. The play space was not crowded at all and Elliott and Brecken had a great time going from station to station. I was relieved because it was so much easier to keep track of the boys. While the boys and I were out Anthony had a young man from our stake over for lunch. Eli was recently called on a mission to Finland and as the only person currently in our stake who has served in that mission, Tony felt great excitement and obligation to have him over to talk about Finland.
May 21 |
We have had so much rain lately. There is so much rain there is nowhere for the water to grow. We have been utilizing umbrellas on our walks to school in the morning and doing our best to avoid stepping on all the worms. Seriously, so many worms! More than I have ever seen in my life! They have been literally running down the hills and draining into the ditches on the sides of the road.
May 22 |
Despite heavy rain earlier in the day, Will's baseball game was not cancelled Tuesday evening. It ended up being a perfect night for baseball. Will got a hit every time he was up at bat, made a difficult running catch and had a few put-outs at first. It was his best game yet! It is fun to see his hard work paying off.
May 23 |
Thursday was the last day of school for the big kids. Lauren cried as she left school because she was going to miss her teacher. Will ran down the hill, excited for the freedom of summer. It was another great year at OPC.
May 24 |
We started the summer off with a playdate at the Diggins. Three of our four kids match up perfectly, age-wise. Will and Josh love music and sports and spent just as much time shooting hoops and kicking around a soccer ball as they did rocking out on the electric guitar (Josh) and keyboard (Will). Lauren and Gwen had fun playing in their yard, playing house and requesting snacks. Elliott and Ava had great fun playing in the clubhouse in their basement. It was a fun first day of summer. The first day of summer vacation was also memorable because that evening we went to Chick-fil-A for dinner and while we were there it started to storm. A few minutes later the power went out! We live close to the restaurant and the power was out at our house too. We let the kids all sleep in Elliott's room with flashlights because they were genuinely nervous.
May 25 |
I gave myself a day to myself for my birthday. As a nursing mom this was more complicated than I would have liked, but we made it work. I started the day by going to the 7:30am water aerobics class. I came home and fed Miles, then went to brunch at Rye with my friend and birthday twin Sarah. Again I came home and fed Miles before heading to the temple. I went to an endowment session for the first time in several months. I usually go to the temple during busy times and I quite enjoyed the less crowded 2pm session. After the temple I headed home to again, feed Miles. No wonder it feels like I am always feeding him--I am! That evening we met my parents and the Wilsons at Red Robin for my birthday dinner. I thought about going shopping after dinner, but instead decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood and relax at home. I think I am going to give myself a day "off" every year for my birthday from now on.
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