Saturday, May 18, 2019

2019 :: week 20

May 12
This year was my first Mother's Day as a mom of four. It is amazing how much life can change in a year! I sure am grateful for these four children I have been blessed to raise. Some days it is overwhelming, but almost every evening when I go and check on my sleeping kids before I head to bed I am overcome with how special each one of them is, and how much I love them.

May 13
I have been wanting to get our garden planted for the past few weeks, but we have been playing a waiting game with the weather. We need a few dry days so the mud slick that has in the past served as our garden can dry out enough for us to prepare the soil. Monday night my dad came over to help us turn up the soil. After working for awhile he came inside and shared some ice cream with us. While we ate he taught the kids about how nurturing our testimonies is like tending a garden.

May 14
Tuesday my dad came back to help us plant. We planted tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini, yellow squash and peppers. Fingers crossed for a good harvest this year. Last year was hot and dry and our plants were not very productive. I was also newly pregnant and did not invest as much energy in tending the garden as I have in previous years.

May 15
Several neighborhood boys play "Wall Ball" at the park after school. Will often plays with some of his friends. I don't totally understand the rules, but they seem to enjoy it. Lots of throwing the ball hard against the wall and running around and cheering. I don't care that much as long as they are having fun and playing outside. We have had nearly idyllic weather this spring. It is hard for me to get much done in the afternoon or evening because the kids want to be outside all the time. After such a isolating, cold winter, I am embracing it as much as I can.

May 16
Sometimes it is nice to catch a few quiet moments with Miles in the morning. Miles' has much less down time with just mom than the other kids did. He is pretty patient with me and I appreciate that. Thursday morning my friend Carrie and her youngest daughter Ava came over for a few hours. I had such a great time chatting with Carrie and catching up on what is happening in her life. And, as always, we only scratched the surface of things I would have liked to discuss.

May 17
On Friday morning my mom watched the little boys for me while I went to Mahaffie Farm with Lauren for her final field trip of the year. It was pretty hot, but I guess that makes it more authentic, right? Mahaffie Farm is a working farm, that is as true to 1860s life as possible. It was also a Stage Coach stop and this photo is of Lauren, her friend Lillian and me riding in a coach.

May 18
My college roommates and I have reconnected and started Marco Polo-ing each other and it is so much fun! I am loving catching up on more of the details of their lives. Technology is amazing.

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