May 5 |
Another Sunday, another pre-church picture of the kids. Our 10:30am start time makes both pre- and post-church pictures a bit tricky. The lighting is not very good and the kids do NOT like to stay in their church clothes all day, nor do they keep them particularly clean. Tony left straight from church for a flight to DC. Tony is often busy on Sundays, but for some reason Sunday night without him feels particularly rough.
May 6 |
This picture doesn't quite capture what was going on, but all these kids are in a semi-circle around Lauren. She started telling her friends a story and slowly more and more kids were drawn in. Lauren is in her element when she is leading a group.
May 7 |
I took Will to his annual eye exam and one of his eyes dilated more than the other. Luckily they both dilated enough to do the trick. Slight adjustments were made to his prescription, and we were able to order him some Rec Specs. He has wanted this type of glasses since basketball season, but I was not terribly excited about spending money on a new pair of glasses when he already has two pairs.
May 8 |
The water table has gotten really high this year. Every time it rains large puddle accumulate and it is taking longer and longer for the puddles to evaporate. Elliott LOVES the puddles. Short of restraining him, it is impossible to keep Elliott away. I decided to embrace it, and let him explore and get wet. I think he ended up taking baths three times this week immediately after we get home because he is so dirty. But if you can't get dirty exploring mud puddles when you are three, when can you? I love his imagination. In this picture he is "fishing."
May 9 |
The older kids are a great help with Miles in the evening when I am trying to get dinner pulled together. Thursday afternoon/evening was busy and Lauren held Miles for me while I made corn chowder. I found a great corn chowder recipe last month when I was trying to use up our Easter ham. Will had piano theory for an hour, and thankfully Anthony was able to pick him up on his way home from work. I went to a relief society activity that evening, then went to my friend Bethany's house for book club where we mostly chatted, but also discussed The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax.
May 10 |
The third graders have a unit where they learn about the history of Kansas City. In addition to classroom lectures, each kid is assigned a specific place (Will studied the Negro Leagues Museum) to research and prepare a power point to present to the class. At the end of the unit the kids spent the day exploring Kansas City. They drove all over, making stops at the Lewis & Clark Monument, City Market, the Liberty Memorial, the Plaza and Loose Park. The weather cooperated and they had a great time.
May 11 |
The John boys finally got haircuts on Saturday. Also, Will's new glasses arrived and while Will loves them I am getting used to them. They are extremely functional for him because he is so active. I just like the way his old glasses look a lot better.
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