What did you like about Ms. Shelton? She was nice and funny. She always had a video for every lesson we had. Ms. Shelton also liked using idioms, similies, metaphors, personification and exaggerations.
What did you like about "specials?" Tell me something about each one.
P.E is my favorite special because we get time to use energy, run and jog, get active minutes and steps for my watch and play fun games. I loved playing dodge ball and six-base kickball and a lot more.
I liked music because we got to play music bingo, ukuleles and small instruments like the maracas and drums. I liked singing the songs and our music teacher (Mr. Klemm) was nice and really talented. "Colors of the Wind," "Digga Digga Dog," a french song and a lot of other songs were fun to sing.
Art was fun because we got to do fun paintings like a pumpkin patch and Picasso-inspired portraits of ourselves. We also got to paint corn, sleigh bells, and motion letters. We made clay cupcakes and also crafts with paper. My favorite time in art was a few times we got to have a free day where we played games like Spot It!, Go Fish!, Uno and used play doh and building blocks with connectors.
Library was fun because our teacher would read aloud a book to us. She read Princess Cora and the Crocodile. We also had free day on our ipads where we could go on Code.org, scratch jr., and code with real robots that the library owns.
What did you do for lunch? I talked with my friends about sports and we made each other laugh by telling each other jokes and by playing a game of truth or dare. Sometimes the lunches were good and sometimes they had desserts. My favorite school lunches were corn dogs, cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets and popcorn chicken. The desserts I liked were chortles, chocolate cake, rice krispy treats, cookies, two big cinnamon graham crackers and around President's Day there were mini cookies with the President's name on them and the times they were presidents. Sometimes on days that I brought my lunch I would buy milk so I could sit by my friends that were buying lunch. I liked sitting by Knox, Porter, Morgan, Cole, Tripp and Evelyn. When I brought lunch I would usually bring an orange, granola bar, grapes, squeezy apple sauce, pb&j, and for dessert andes mints or fruit by the foot, home made cookies or candies.
Who were your best buddies? Knox, Tripp, Porter, Morgan, Coleman, Evelyn, Daniel, Liam, sometimes Eli. I liked to talk about sports with Tripp, Morgan, Porter, and Knox. We talked about the NFL, NBA and MLB. Everybody was fans of the KC teams except Morgan, who liked the Brewers, Bucks and Packers.
What was your favorite subject? PE and Math. In math I am the best at sprints (sprints are timed tests with multiples of 3 through 9). I like doing fractions and multiplication and division, shapes--with angels and parallels (geometry), and problem sets. Problem sets are word math problems. I loved playing prodigy on my ipad and at home on my mom's phone.
What were some books you read this year?
Some of my favorite books that I checked out were Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Amulet (Books 1 &3), Humphry, The Notebook of Doom, Bad Kitty and Captain Underpants. Ms. Shelton read Charlotte's Web, Humphry and Double Fudge. I did chat and chew for the first time this year and my favorite book there was The Boxcar Children.
What did you like to do at recess? Playing soccer with my friends was my favorite thing to do at recess. In the morning on the way to school I would check the field to see if we would be able to play, if the field had muddy puddles we had to play on the blacktop. If we couldn't play soccer we would play kickball or basketball.
My first field trip was a tour of Kauffman Stadium. We got to tour the dugout, the visitor's clubhouse, the Hall of Fame, the batting cages, the bullpen and the stairs that they walk in and out of the baseball games and an underground tunnel that helps them go from the stadium to their cars without people bugging them for autographs.
My second field trip was to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. We got to see their sculptures, history, paintings and more. We got to see the shuttlecocks outside and made animals out of clay. We did not have lunch there because there were too many people outside so we ate at the school in our classroom. It was only two of the three third grade classes because the museum could only have a certain number of kids.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A professional athlete because I like sports and I wouldn't care if I played football, baseball, soccer or basketball because I love all of them.
What are you looking forward to doing this summer?
Going to the pool, going to Florida, going to Boston, visiting with cousins, playing with neighbors, it getting hotter and going to Royals games.
What will you remember most about THIRD GRADE?
My teacher Ms. Shelton and that my classmate Drake passed away at the end of October.
This is so fun to read about Will! Way to go, Will, you obviously did a GREAt job in 3rd grade!!
Fun to read about his third grade life. He's such a good kid!
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