Saturday, April 27, 2019

2019 :: week 17

April 21
Easter Sunday! Our Sacrament meeting was packed and we were barely able to get a pew despite leaving for church ten minutes earlier than usual. It was a good meeting and Anthony spoke at end about the Savior making up the difference in our lives. Because Anthony was out of town last week and the week before that was General Conference, he decided not to cancel his before and after church meetings. The kids were anxiously awaiting his return home more than usual because we ask the Easter Bunny to leave us eggs for Dad to hide after church. It was fun to see the kids run around the yard looking for eggs and as I watched them "hunt" I wondered how much longer the older two will be will care much about the bunny. I don't really care if they believe or not, because the Atonement and resurrection are what Easter is really about, but it makes my heart happy when they are excited about participating in rites of childhood. They are growing up so fast and seeing how little Miles is compared to Will  reminds me of how time really does fly by no matter how you are using it.

April 22
Monday morning Emily called and invited us to meet her and her boys at a library storytime. I quickly fed Miles and we headed over. It was the first storytime we've been to since Miles was born and I was reminded why I stopped going. Elliott gets in a weird mood where he doesn't want to participate, but gets offended if the librarian doesn't pay attention to him. I find it very annoying and it drains my energy. That being said, at the end of the session each family got to hold some baby chicks. Elliott really liked that and it was worth the hassle.

April 23
Seven weeks of Miles! Last week he was very grumpy, but this week he turned on his John charm and started smiling at us pretty regularly. He is starting to go a little longer between feedings and went six hours one night this week. He likes to be held upright and facing out, I assume so he can see what is going on around him. And there is almost always something going on around him. He likes to go outside as long as it isn't too windy and he likes going for walks.

April 24
Elliott refuses to nap, but is waking up earlier everyday. He is now awake by 6:30am every morning. Twice this week while driving around he has fallen asleep. I sat in the Aldi parking lot with him and Miles for about 45 minutes on Tuesday. Wednesday afternoon he fell asleep on the way to Lauren's soccer practice for a good 30 minutes.

April 25
Thursday evening we went to the third grade concert to watch Will sing and play the ukulele. The kids did a great job singing. The John family's consensus favorite song was "Colors of the Wind." Will was one of eight kids in his class selected to play the ukulele. I recorded him playing, but did not take a picture. Third grade is the last all-grade performance. Next year he can choose to take choir, which I am hoping he will. He's "not sure."

April 26
The end of the school year gets very busy very fast. Friday night was the annual OPC Carnival. Each of the older kids found friends to go off with and we followed Elliott around. It was another gorgeous night, allowing the inflatables to be at the back of the school. With the inflatables outside the school was so much less congested and humid. It was a great night--as relaxing as a school carnival can be. I love our neighborhood and school community.

April 27
Both Will's baseball team and Lauren's soccer team had games scheduled for Sunday this weekend. Of course that is a bummer, but it was nice on Saturday because we had NO PLANS! It was the first time in a long time where we the weather was nice and no one had any commitments. We headed down to the City Market to peruse the Farmer's Market and walk along the river trail. We have had a string of gorgeous weather and Saturday morning was no exception.


Steven said...

Miles is so adorable. What a healthy looking stud. I am so excited to not have my own baby at the upcoming reunion and so I will just get to snuggle all my new nephews and nieces!

Steven said...

Oops this is Meredith. I think I post under his name every other time! Steven just read this out loud to me and it is a pretty strange and funny coming from him.