Saturday, April 20, 2019

2019 :: week 16

April 14
Sunday morning we got up and made it to church a few minutes early. We even had enough time to take a picture before we left! After Sacrament meeting things started to go downhill. Miles, who had been fairly grumpy all weekend continued to be grumpy and then Elliott refused to go to his Sunbeam class. The three of us spent the last 45 minutes of church in the foyer. In the afternoon Anthony let me know that his flight had been delayed, which was a bummer but not the end of the world. That evening the Wilsons came over for dinner. It was great having a few adults around and the kids all played together really well. While they were over Anthony called to tell me that his flight home had been cancelled and that there weren't any available flights on Southwest until Tuesday or Wednesday! Apparently there was bad weather in the southeastern United States, but we never got a clear explanation as to why it was cancelled. I assume that the Boston Marathon Monday morning was why there were no seats available. I really thought I might cry when I heard the news. Anthony's parents helped him get a flight on a different airline for Monday night--thank you! Emily watched the kids for me so I could go for a walk and clear my head.

April 15
Anthony and his parents and siblings had a great time together this weekend. They stayed up late talking about a variety of topics, walked around their neighborhood, toured their elementary school, watched some Red Sox and Celtics games, ate at nostalgic restaurants and sang a musical number together in church. Even though it was harder watching four kids by myself than I thought, I'm glad he was able to go and spend time with his family. Monday afternoon they walked around downtown Boston for a bit and got lunch at Quincy Market. Anthony's flight ended up getting delayed again, but he still made it home at about 1am Tuesday morning.

April 16
Emily watched Elliott for me while I went to a doctor's appointment. Elliott and Tyler made treasure maps and hunted around the yard for "buried treasure." These two boys have become such good friends this year.

April 17
Our scripture study had been focused on Easter this week. Lauren has recently started requesting double french braids in her hair. Try as I might I really struggle to get them even.

April 18
Thursday night I went for a walk as soon as we finished with dinner. Even though Anthony was back in town I was still recovering from the weekend and craving a little alone time. It made me smile to see Lauren and Dad practicing kicks in the driveway. Life is better when we are all home. Later that night I went to book club where we discussed Educated.

April 19
Miracle of miracles--Anthony didn't have to go to work on Good Friday! I went to water aerobics for the first time since having Miles and it felt good to be back. The kids had the day off school, so we planned on going to the zoo, but when we got there it was packed and decided to go to Valley Park instead. The kids spent an hour climbing, exploring and running around. It was so nice to have a quiet relaxing day.

April 20

As we were getting ready to leave the house Friday the wire on our garage door snapped and the pulley fell off the tracks. Someone from Overhead Door came and fixed it up. While we were waiting for him to arrive Anthony and the kids gathered some sticks in our yard and then burned them in our fire pit. The kids roasted mini-marshmallows over the fire and had a great time. Saturday evening we went to the Plaza with the Ules. We ate dinner at the Shake Shack and then walked over to Mill Creek park, stopping to see the fiberglass Easter Bunnies along the way. It was a perfect night. We ate dinner on the patio and visited until Miles needed to be fed.

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