Saturday, April 6, 2019

2019 :: week 14

March 31
Sunday afternoon Will was living the dream. The Royals game was on TV and his baby brother was in his lap. I've been pleasantly surprised how sweet all of my older kids have been with Miles. Will is especially helpful because Miles likes to be held. A lot. And often at times that are tough for me to hold him, like when I am making dinner or when I am trying to help Elliott get ready for bed. We will build a nest of pillows to support his arms and then Will can sit and hold him for me while I get the stuff done I need to.
April 1
My mom got this t-shirt for Elliott because he proudly proclaims he is a big brother now whenever the topic comes up (and occasionally when it hasn't). I took this picture on the way home from walking Lauren up to her monthly Girl Scouts meeting. Along the way Elliott told about three different people that he was a big brother now.

April 2
Elliott and I squeezed in a quick walk after dinner before Anthony and the big kids headed to the church for mutual, Cub Scouts and Activity Days. I just can't get enough of his crooked smile these days. Elliott was quite a handful around the new year, but a few weeks before Miles was born he was back to his usual sweet self. He's still mischievous, but he's toned it down and I only wonder what I'm going to do with him about once a day instead of half a dozen times.

April 3
Going into this week Anthony and I were concerned with how Lauren was going to be able to survive all her activities. Lauren does best when she gets a solid amount of sleep and over the course of the school year her bedtime has moved from 8:30pm to 7:30pm to make sure she gets adequate sleep. This week her activities were back to back to back on three consecutive nights, making it impossible to get in bed at her usual bedtime--Girl Scouts Monday evening, Activity Days Tuesday evening, and soccer practice Wednesday evening. She handled everything so well this week, I was very proud of her! She loved going to activity days and getting a journal and has been writing in it all week.

April 4
The weather this week has been absolutely gorgeous. Spring has finally arrived! Between the days getting longer and Miles turning a month old this week I feel like a new woman. I've been trying to get out and go for walks in the evening and caught this pretty sky as I was finishing up my walk. I love going for walks when your cheeks get a little chilled from the cold, but it is warm enough you can wear a sweatshirt or light jacket and be fine.

April 5
Friday evening Anthony took Lauren to the annual Girl Scout Daddy Daughter Dance. This year the theme was 50's Sock Hop and I ordered Lauren this poodle skirt from amazon. I thought I was so original, but Anthony told me about half the girls were wearing this skirt in various colors. Oh well. Lauren loved matching all her friends and had a great time. Anthony had a good time too, but reported that the girls mainly dance with each other and then go to their dads to have them hold stuff for them or get them food.

April 6
With Anthony planning to go out of town the following weekend, I wanted to get as much yard work done as possible Saturday morning before General Conference. While Anthony and I weeded, put out mulch and cleaned out the garage our neighbors started washing their cars. Elliott is attracted to water like a moth to a flame so he went over to "help." Mark and Renee were very nice to let all the neighborhood kids under 7 come over and spray their hose and help wash their cars.

1 comment:

Tina said...

all the pictures of your kids are adorable, but what's the picture from April 6?