Monday, October 26, 2015

elliott :: 2 months

11 lbs. 1 ounce (25th percentile)
22 3/4 inches (50th percentile)

Another month of Elliott is in the books. The longer he is with us the harder it is to imagine life without him. He continues to be a fairly content little guy, though he is getting more forceful with voicing his opinion about things.

Elliott is still a good eater and eats about eight times a day. I feed him 2-3 times during the night, depending on when I go to bed and wake up. The spitting up has increased. It seems to be the worst when he eats quickly, but I haven't figured out any rhyme or reason to it. I have learned to always have a burp cloth near if he has eaten in the past half hour. Amazingly, he has yet to blow out of a diaper. He is usually very alert for the 45 minute period while we walk Will to school and then drive Lauren to preschool. He's growing increasingly wary of his car seat, and often fusses if we run errands while the kids are in school and he's stuck in his seat for even longer. The time while the big kids are in school is my favorite time of day with Elliott. He's well-rested and happy and we enjoy the quiet time together. He has started smiling a lot, which I love. He's extremely expressive and raises his eyebrows a lot. It reminds me of Anthony when he does this. He has started cooing and has a lot to say. I like hearing his little voice, it sounds like it will be low. The evening hours seem to set him off. He is at his worst from about 5-8pm. He just wants to be held and if he isn't he cries. He can be distracted, but it's only temporary. When Anthony is out of town this is my least favorite time of day. We bathe him at night after his siblings are in bed. His skin has cleared up and is very soft. I love to snuggle with him all the time, but especially when he is fresh and clean. The entire family is smitten with this sweet baby boy.


Tina said...

So cute! I can hardly wait to see him again. Thanks for sharing.

Susan said...

I want to tickle those little toes!