October 11 |
We try to read with Will for at least twenty minutes a day. It's fun watching him learn to read. He likes to read stuff he knows and wants to quit when it gets hard, which I've heard is typical for boys (and everyone!). Elliott likes to get in on the reading action when he can too. Lauren would call this a "boy party" because it is all the boys in our family.
October 12 |
Anthony had the day off work because it was Columbus Day. We did some yardwork while listening to the Royals-Astros game on the radio. I was feeling a little sad as it was looking like the Royals were going to lose. Luckily they did not! We celebrated by playing at Black Hoof Park and then going to Red Robin for dinner.
October 13 |
This two-month old is growing! I was having a hard time getting him in his car seat and he was letting me know he wasn't appreciative of my efforts when I realized that I seriously needed to adjust the straps. He's grown 2 inches since and gained 2.5 lbs.
October 14 |
Will, Lauren and I got our teeth cleaned this week. It was good news all around. Both kids are still cavity free, no new cavities for me, and my hygenist told me she could tell I was flossing because my gums were "looking great." I was really pleased about the gum comment because I have made a concentrated effort to floss daily.
October 15 |
I took the kids to the zoo after school Thursday afternoon. It was another great trip. This time we spent most of our time in the African region. Lauren wanted to see some elephants and a hippo and was pleased when we did. Will wanted to see every single animal on the map and was frustrated that the rhino was hiding.
October 16 |
Will and Lauren are such great helpers with Elliott. Friday morning I was trying to do...something, I don't remember what, and Elliott was being fussy. I laid him on a blanket after feeding and changing him and Lauren walked over and sat next to him. She patted his belly and talked to him and he calmed right down. This doesn't happen every time the kids try to help, but it was fun to see to two of them enjoying each other.
October 17 |
Saturday evening Anthony and I went on a date to my current favorite restaurant, Sheridan's Unforked. We watched the Royals game while eating cheeseburgers, fries and sharing a Strawberry-Banana Chunk custard.
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