September 20 |
I'm not normally a fan of the 1pm church schedule, but it has been pretty nice since Elliott's arrival. We can take things slower in the morning and still make it to church on time. Elliott is young enough that he can nap on the go. We were ready a few minutes early this Sunday and I couldn't resist snapping a few pictures of my sweet kids before we headed out.
September 21 |
We squeezed in one last trip to Pump-It-Up before our groupon pass expired this week. The kids really love playing there, it is perfect for their current interests and abilities, though I don't know how often we'll go back at full price. Lauren likes to build homes with these cool blocks, and usually built something at least once a visit.
September 22 |
In the middle of the night Monday both Lauren and I got sick, stomach flu sick. It was pretty much what you would expect from the stomach flu--a few hours of intense stomach pains followed by lots of throwing up and a low grade fever. Although stomach bugs are never fun I felt an added measure of stress as a nursing mom. Thankfully my milk supply was minimally affected. Elliott was a champ and spent a lot of time in his swing that day.
September 23 |
Wednesday Lauren and I were feeling much better. I kept Lauren home from school because it had been 22 hours since she had last thrown up and the school requests 24 hours before returning. Will was fine before he went to school, but soon after arriving home started acting lethargic and within the hour threw up. His money quote of the day: "It's a good thing we invented bowls and towels or else we'd have to go to the bathroom when we got sick." I had to break it to Will that the bowls and towels are the backup plan. In the midst of our illness I was communicating with Meredith about how we were doing as they were heading to KC to spend the next three days with us. Derek had a fever and a few spots on his hand that they suspected were hand foot mouth. We used some of Anthony's Marriott Rewards and had them stay at a hotel for the night so we wouldn't contaminate each other.
September 24 |
Thursday morning all the Johns were feeling great. Will had to stay home from school because he hadn't reached his 24 hour mark yet, and Lauren was able to go. It was strange having Will and Elliott home without her. The Maxfields arrived around noon and we ate lunch together. Derek still had a fever so we decided to quarantine Elliott to my room and Derek to Steven's lap. After lunch we all rested. Will and Lauren played with Weston. When the twins woke up from their naps we discovered that Nolan also had a fever and was starting to get spots too. The Maxfields decided to head back to MN right then. Their poor twins we so uncomfortable and they didn't want to risk getting Elliott sick too. It was very surreal to have them leave so quickly. One minute we are planning what time to leave for the Royals-Mariners game (the entire reason they selected this date to come down) and the next they were packing up their van. Will, Lauren and Weston only had about 2 hours to play together, but they had a great time. We are going to have to plan a get together soon. Anthony left Tuesday afternoon for a work trip to Chicago so he didn't even get to see them!
September 25 |
In the meantime the my sisters and their families secretly flew into town to surprise my dad for his 60th birthday. Friday evening we took some family pictures. Then Anthony suggested the men grab a bite to eat at Joe's KC. While the men were out the women and children visited at my parents house. Will and Lauren love their younger cousins. Tyler (19 months) and Leah (7 months) are at really fun ages. They chased Tyler around the kitchen and dining room and shared toys with Leah. Up until last February Will and Lauren were the only grandchildren, it is fun for them to have cousins to run around with.
September 26 |
Saturday evening we went to a Royals game together. In this picture everyone is standing and singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" during the 7th inning stretch.
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