September 13 |
Tummy time isn't Elliott's favorite part of the day. He endures it. Sometimes I wonder if he feels vulnerable lying on the ground. Will and Lauren adore their baby brother, but have had some close calls with almost stepping on him when he's on the ground.
September 14 |
We met the Sanners at the park Monday afternoon. Emsley (4.5) is right in between Will and Lauren, and is such a good natured girl that both Will and Lauren think she likes them best. Neal (2.5) likes to run around and have fun too, so it was a fun visit to the park. Bethany and I both had our third babies in August. Even though Bethany was due 10 days after me, Adalie was born a week before Elliott and he outweighs her by over a pound.
September 15 |
Anthony flew to Washington DC this day, which enabled me to leave Elliott at home while I took the big kids to school. While we were walking Will these dark clouds made their way across the sky. It wasn't supposed to rain, but Lauren and I got sprinkled on while we were walking back to the house. I put her on my back and then ran to avoid getting to wet. By the time we got loaded in the van to drive her to preschool it had stopped raining.
September 16 |
Elliott has started smiling at us! Lauren has been on the receiving end of the most smiles so far. She adores her baby brother, it's sweet to see him reciprocate the affection.
September 17 |
Now that it has started to get dark earlier, the nights are getting longer. The nights feel especially long when Anthony is out of town. Wednesday was particularly rough. Thursday night I had the kids take a long bath together. Elliott got to join in on the fun too.
September 18 |
We were told that it was best to introduce a bottle between 3-6 weeks. Being that Elliott was almost six weeks old we needed to give it a shot, which we did when Anthony arrived home Friday. I have mixed feelings about pumping--grateful to be able to provide milk for my baby and that we have such amazing machines that make it so easy, but annoyed with having to use some of my precious 'non-feeding a baby' time to pump. Thankfully Elliott takes a bottle just fine.
September 19 |
We wanted to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather Saturday afternoon, so we ventured to Nelson-Atkins. The kids had a fun time exploring the grounds and I practiced using the baby k'tan Meredith is letting me borrow. The baby wearing was a total success. The kids running around had some mixed results. They both ran straight into the glass walls of this maze and a very tired Lauren had a meltdown and refused to walk another step about twenty feet from our car.
I love the picture of Elliott on his tummy! You had to get WAY DOWN LOW to get that shot! Elliott is so cute!
Glad you like the baby k'tan. I really liked it with Millie, although it hurt my back once she got over about 6 months
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