September 27 |
My family arrived at church a few minutes early to snap a family picture in our Sunday best. When I told Anthony we needed to leave a bit earlier than we were planning to take a "quick family picture" he quipped, "there's no such thing." Luckily, this one actually was. :)
September 28 |
Signs of Fall are all over the place, if not by the weather than by the activities available. The pumpkin patch opened over the weekend and we thought it would be fun to show the Crane aunts and cousins Shaake's, the patch we go to each year. It was a hot and dusty day, so it really didn't feel like fall, and we had the place pretty much to ourselves. The kids got filthy running around hunting for the perfect pumpkin. It is fun to see how much they have grown in the past year.
September 29 |
Will had his annual long eye appointment, the one where they dilate his eyes. Also known as the eye exam Will hates. He told me that it feel like "hot lava" when they put the drops in his eyes. I had to help hold him down so the nurse could administer the drops, but once they were in he was fine. His eyes continue to improve, though by a smaller amount each year. The first month of wearing glasses was rough, but we have very few problems with him and his glasses now. The biggest issue is remembering to clean them. I am often shocked at how dirty his lenses can get in a 24 hour period and that he doesn't complain about them!
September 30 |
I have a banana problem. I really like them, but only when they are yellow. A few small spots or hints of brown and it's too soft for my liking. I should freeze them and use them in smoothies, but I rarely do. So, banana bread it is. Wednesday night Elliott and I made some banana bread together. I am wearing Elliott more often in the afternoon/evening. The main problem I have with it (besides bumping into things) is that when he is awake he wants to have his head out and look around. He doesn't quite have the neck strength for me to feel comfortable with him doing that yet, so I hold him with one hand much of the time.
October 1 |
Lauren's preschool held an Open House Thursday evening. It was fun to watch Lauren show off her classroom to us. She had a bit of a rough start (lots of nerves before drop of each morning) but now feels totally at home with her class. Her teacher is fantastic, and a great fit for Lauren's personality. Lauren was very animated as she "read" the story
Caps for Sale to me
October 2 |
Elliott spends more time than he'd probably choose in his car seat. Definitely more than either of his older siblings did at his age. Thankfully he is a pretty content baby and handles it well.
October 3 |
Saturday was my Dad's birthday. We watched General Conference during the day and visited my parents after the afternoon session to wish him a happy birthday and share some pie. He's a pretty great dad. My sister Laura compiled a book of our families' memories of him for his birthday. I've really enjoyed reflecting back on my life and how it has been enriched because he is my father. He is a hard worker and has dedicated his life to serving and loving his family. I've always known his love for me was unconditional and he is one of my best friends. I hope that when I'm 60 my kids will feel the same way about me.
It's so fun seeing pictures of all your family and the next little grandkids. Your dad has always seemed like such a great guy to me, and I'm glad that we have gotten to know your parents because of you. Boy, Elliot still seems to have a LOT of hair! I love it!
Does Will see Dr. Ariss? That's who Truman sees. I'm kinda on the fence about her. She's a good doctor, but is always business...which I suppose isn't bad...We just have a good rapport with our other doctors so she's different...Truman HATES those dilating drops too!
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