Sunday, October 11, 2015

2015 :: week 41

October 4
Sunday we spent more time watching conference. We ate breakfast foods for lunch between sessions with my parents, then went to a friends' home for dessert and visiting in the evening. Apparently I like to dress my kids in matching colors on Sunday.

October 5
Will and Lauren played in the backyard for the first time in awhile Monday afternoon. Now that school has started we don't play outside quite as much and when we do it's usually in the front yard. It recently rained and they had fun playing in the birdbath. These two delight in making a mess. This was before Will found the tail of a squirrel and was swishing it around in the water.

October 6
We met some other half day kindergarten families at the park for the first time in about a month this week. The city is in the process of adding community gardens to most of the parks and there were mounds of earth next to the playground. Will and his friend Leo collected pieces of debris from around the park and arranged it on one of the mounds to create a "dinosaur skeleton."

October 7
When did I become a parent of a kid with homework?! Will is diligent about working on his homework each day, though to be fair, it is more enrichment work than assignments to be handed in. He and 12 other kids leave at lunchtime, so most of the worksheets and activities are things they work on in the afternoon.

October 8
Lauren didn't have school Thursday morning and Will had early dismissal, which really threw off schedule. I ended up having to take all three kids with me to Target Thursday, something I have avoided doing since school started. Will encouraged Lauren to play hide and seek with him while I was captivated by "Clearance" endcap. Even when I'm in a hurry it is hard for me to walk past them.

October 9
My friend Meredith organized a group tour of the Louisburg Cider Mill Friday afternoon. Her daughter Camilla is in Lauren's class at school. Their teachers have told us that they have fun playing together, but when we see each other during drop off or pick up they act like they don't know each other. It was fun to see some confirmation that they actually do enjoy each other!

October 10
Our ward had a campout Friday night to Saturday morning in Gardner, KS. The whole family drove to the campsite and had fun visiting around the campfire and eating tinfoil pizza dinners (thanks for the idea, Holly!). After dark I drove home with Lauren and Elliott. Will and Tony camped overnight. Will had a blast. He loved roaming the field and exploring with the other kids. He heard coyotes and found a stray corn cob and came home absolutely filthy. It was probably the best weekend of his life.


Holly said...

OH good, I hope they turned out okay!

Tina said...

Hearing about your campout, made Doug and me reminiscce about camping with our kids Doug's first campout was with Anthony (in kindergarten) at a Father & sons outing, in Maryland. I think there were several of those over the next few years. But it was a while before we attempted one with the entire family. Good luck with that -- the kids always loved camping (unless it rained!)

Susan said...

The tail of a squirrel? EWW!!!!