Friday, May 1, 2015

fever pitch

The baseball season officially started less than a month ago, but our family has quickly picked up with the baseball fever that started last fall. Some members are more afflicted than others.

Will watching the game cast on It's scary to me how quickly he figured out how to watch games this way AND that he will sit and watch games this way for extended periods of time. When he gets bored he goes off and starts playing baseball himself (see following photos) and comes back for an update every few minutes.

Will plays catch against the high wall in our front room and pretends he is making big catches in the middle of the game.

Though Lauren hasn't been bitten with the baseball-loving bug quite as hard as her brother, she fell asleep with her Royals' schedule by her side the other night.

Patient zero when it comes to introducing the baseball obsession into our home. His love of the game has caused him to stay up late participating in fantasy drafts, making his own league projections, and following the Red Sox.

I even find myself listening to the radio broadcast when I drive around in the evening and actually caring what the score is when Will asks me.


Meredith said...

That is so fun that Will loves baseball that much. I can't believe he watches the game cast! I just wish baseball games didn't have to be so long...and practically every night. It takes up so much of a loyal fan's life.

Laura said...

The picture of Lauren sleeping by the baseball schedule made me especially proud. You guys are so great!

Carly said...

Your kitchen table and bench (benches? Can't see the other side) look so great

Emily said...

I love that Will pretends to get big catches :) I did that too once upon a time.