Saturday, May 30, 2015

2015 :: week 22

May 24
I made the kids re-take a "Mother's Day" picture with me before we headed to church Sunday. It has been another stormy week. Raining for a day or two with short breaks in between storm systems. Maybe some day it will start feeling like summer.

May 25
We went to our ward's  Memorial Day luncheon at Shawnee Mission Park. The kids had a blast playing with their buddies. Will claims he and his friends caught three snakes. Being that I never saw a snake and no one else made similar claims I have my doubts, but at least he was having a good time. In the late afternoon we made our inaugural visit to the neighborhood pool. Due to the it being early in the season and all the rainwater we've been receiving the water was COLD. But both kids jumped right in and never looked back so we still had a fun time.

May 26
It was a bit windy Tuesday and the kids were dying to go to the pool again. We decided to try a pool with sand so they'd have something to do if it was too cold. Will's sand love picked up right where it left off when we were in Florida last month and he had a great time digging trenches and building various other sand structures until we had to leave.

May 27
I had wanted to take my kids strawberry picking last year and didn't get around to going in time. My facebook feed had been inundated with people and their strawberries over the weekend and Wednesday was the day that worked out best for us to go which worked out nicely because it was also my birthday. I mistakenly chose the wrong route on my google maps app and it took us an extra twenty minutes to get there. It was the hottest day of the week and by the time we got to picking both kids were very hungry (I was too) and hot which made for some mildly grumpy pickers. We got a decent haul, picked up lunch on the way home and headed to the pool.

May 28
The kids built beaver lodges in our living room and played in them for several hours throughout the wet, gray Thursday. Will's in the one near the couch somewhere buried somewhere underneath all the blankets and pillows.

May 29
We ended up with a lot of fresh, ripe strawberries from our picking throughout the week (we went again with my sister Emily and her family Friday morning). After we put the kids in bed Anthony and I made 96 ounces of freezer jam. I recruited TJ to help me because jam is one of those things where you need a cook with an exacting eye. Precision in the kitchen isn't really my thing. Even though his attention to detail annoyed me a few times (it was late), it did come in handy as ALL of our jam set. Last time I made jam it did not set properly.

May 30
I mentioned that we've received a lot of rain this week. I think it has only not rained 4 days this May. Anyway, ss soon as Will realizes it has rained he's off to the back yard to collect worms. His love of worms has been passed on to Lauren as she has started to collect worm after it rains too.  Please look past all the weeds. This area of our yard is not a high priority.


Susan said...

Lauren's hair looks really cute in that first picture!

Mitzi said...

Love the mother's day picture!