Saturday, May 2, 2015

2015 :: week 18

April 26
We had a fun Sunday with the Staritas and Jill. Just before eating pork chops and rice for dinner we found out that my mom had been admitted to the hospital and would be getting her gall bladder out the next morning. It was good to be with family when we found out the bad news.

April 27
It rained every day we were in Florida (except Sunday) but Monday was the worst. We headed to Pensacola to the National Museum of Naval Aviation in the late afternoon. The drive took longer than we anticipated, making our time there short. Even though we weren't there long it was a neat experience. Will is really interested in rockets, jets, planes and the like so we followed him as he ran from jet to jet rather than taking a traditional tour.

April 28
Tuesday was our last day in Florida. We booked a late flight so we could fit in one last beach trip. Anthony made several phone calls and found the only dolphin and shelling tour in available in Destin that morning. The forecast called for a storm that afternoon, but we never saw more than a light sprinkling. We didn't see a very many dolphins either, but we did see a lot of hermit crabs. Will alone "caught" 32. He wasn't sure he wanted to catch them at first, but it ended up being one of the highlights of the trip for him, so I'm glad we went.

April 29
We took things as slow as we could Wednesday morning. We arrived home around midnight and only Anthony set an alarm. He had a midmorning flight to Boston (for work) so he worked from home before he left. The kids convinced him to put together some puzzles with him after they woke up almost an hour later than normal.

April 30
I took Lauren to get her hair cut while Will was at school Thursday afternoon. Nothing like a $7.99 haircut sale at Great Clips to motivate me to get it her hair trimmed. Will gets his hair cut every 6-8 weeks and Lauren has been jealous of all the attention and treats he receives when he gets his hair cut. She had waited a long time for this and was perfectly behaved while the stylist combed and trimmed her hair. It isn't much of a change, just a few inches off the back, but it looks a lot healthier than before.

May 1
It has taken me awhile to get caught up to speed post trip. The kids have been a bit grumpy and I haven't had quite as much energy so it seems like we're constantly at odds. Everyone was glad when TJ arrived back on the scene Friday night. After a fancy dinner at the Costco food court we took a walk and played outside. We've had a great spring this year.

May 2
Saturday night we went on another walk to build up the kids' endurance and ended with some playtime at the park. It was another gorgeous spring evening.


Carly said...

That trip looks awesome. Lauren's hair is so long. And those pink flowering bushes are gorgeous.

Mitzi said...

What a fun trip! Beaches are the best.

Susan said...

We are taking a beach vacation in a couple of months and I can't wait! Looks like a fun time. Sorry about your mom!