May 3 |
Often when we arrive home and get out of the car Lauren likes to slip in a tricycle ride around our driveway. I snapped this picture of her riding and our yard after church on Sunday. We did some yard work on Saturday mowing and weeding and in combination with the several bushes blossoming at the same time, our yard has never looked better. I'm glad I took this picture because with all the thunderstorms and hail we had this week our pretty azalea blossoms have since been crushed and fallen off.
May 4 |
Monday afternoon I bought a new double stroller. Our sit and stand works great for our trips to and from the pool, but doesn't have a great turning radius and I was getting worried about pushing it by myself around DC. A friend of mine posted that she was selling this gem after a trip to Disneyland so I decided to snatch it up. The kids seem to like it and it is
much easier to maneuver.
May 5 |
Anthony left Sunday afternoon to spend the week in Boston for work. Luckily he was able to spend some time with his parents too. Tuesday night they went to a Red Sox game together. It isn't very often that he gets to spend time alone with his parents.
May 6 |
Lauren and I took some selfies to send to Anthony because we were missing him Wednesday afternoon while Will was at school. Lauren
really tested my patience this week. I thought Wednesday was bad and things only got worse as the week went on.
May 7 |
I had hoped to take the kids to the park Thursday before it rained, but just as I got the energy up to plan a trip it started to rain. It rained pretty intensely for about 5 minutes and we even saw small pieces of hail. It slowed down for a few minutes and the kids had fun splashing around in the small puddles that accumulated on our driveway and yard. Unfortunately the damage was done and it was much to wet for us to venture out to the park.
May 8 |
We did a little shopping Friday evening. The kids love the small carts at Trader Joe's and against my better judgement I let them each use one. I had a hard time keeping them close once they spied the long, open aisles.
May 9 |
We were all pretty happy to have Anthony back today. For some reason this week was harder than most. Will and Anthony sorted the baseball cards alphabetically by team. Lauren just wanted to be close to her dad.
Ooh! A nice new stroller will be so great on your trip. I'm glad you were able to score a deal. Im sorry, though, about your week. I always think, "it can't get much worse, right?" But then it totally sucks when it does. Hopefully, this week is better for you guys!!
Thank you for sharing Anthony with us for a few days, and so sorry the kids acted up with him gone. That picture of me is strange -- I think Anthony caught me between smiles, kind of looking at the camera, wondering when he was going to take the picture. Oh, well. Have a GREAT time in DC!
That stroller looks really nice. I bet it will be great for your trip. The picture of my mom is awesome. And spouse travel really stinks.
I'm sorry your week was rough! I hope your trip to DC is fun though!
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