Saturday, May 23, 2015

2015 :: week 21

May 17
The mock orange bush in our yard has finally bloomed. We do nothing to encourage its growth, but look forward to its beauty each year.

May 18
This girl has princesses on the brain all the time. Here she is thinking about her plans for the summer while chewing on Ariel's hair.

May 19
I took my glucose test on Tuesday...and PASSED. I wasn't super stressed about it, but it is always good to have it done. I got really bad acid reflux after consuming the drink, but it's hard to find something that doesn't give me acid reflux these days.
May 20
Wednesday afternoon I hired a babysitter and Anthony and I met up at the Liberty Memorial. I bought a groupon for half price admission a few months back and of course, forgot to use it until the day it expired (which was Tuesday). We took the kids with us but it was a struggle, but the tickets were good for two back-to-back days the museum was opened so we decided to come back by ourselves. We had a fun time and have been scouring wikipedia and crash course history youtubes to supplement what we learned.

May 21
Thursday was Will's last day of preschool. He was in Ms. Lindsey's class for 2 years and we are sure gong to miss her and Mr. Laura and Ms. Elizabeth next year when he starts Kindergarten. His class put on a short "graduation" program and then we participated in some outdoor activities with the rest of the school. Summer has started!

May 22
My friend Emilee is due to have a baby any day now so some friends from the ward got together at Peachwave to celebrate her baby and eat some frozen yogurt.

May 23
Anthony and I worked hard in our yard Saturday morning cleaning out the gutters, mowing the lawn, weeding and putting out new mulch. Then we met up with friends at the farmstead in the afternoon and paid our dues with our babysitting swap and watched 6 additional kids in the evening.

1 comment:

Tina said...

The yard looks beautiful and so do you! Hard to believe that you are over 6 months along (right?)