Saturday, July 5, 2014

2014 :: week 27

June 29
Sunday night selfie while the kids were getting ready for bed. Our bedtime routine has grown longer than it once was, and the kids are very resistant to cutting back when we stay up late.

June 30
When I went to pick up the kids from the Child Watch at the gym I looked over at the chalkboard and saw what at first appeared to be a random assortment of letters. Upon second glance I realized that they were actually baseball logos Will had worked on while we were exercising. From the top: KC, Boston, Athletics, Tampa Bay, Pittsburgh, New York, Texas, Twins, LA Dodgers (backwards), Atlanta, Miami Marlins, Cubs, Reds, Cleveland, Angels, smiley face, Athletics, Detroit, Houston Astros, BYU Cougars, and Seattle.

July 1
Tuesday was the only day during Will's 8 days of swimming lessons that was overcast. We really have lucked out on weather recently.

July 2
The kids love to "shoot hoops" with Anthony when we go to the gym. If there are no league games being played while we are there we usually let the kids come in and play for a few minutes. Will takes the practice very seriously, while Lauren runs around yelling that she is scared of the balls (while standing directly under the basket).
July 3
Thursday evening Papa and Nana came to town. Papa's flight from Boston arrive about 2 hours before Nana's flight from Minneapolis. Nana has been in MN for the past week helping Anthony's sister Meredith with her newborn twins and Weston. We had a little down time between the flights so we drove to the KC Temple walked around the grounds. Will took a few pictures while we were there, including this great shot of Doug.

July 4
We BBQ'd with a few friends on the 4th. One family brought over a cotton-candy machine that was a hit with kids. Lauren's face was a sticky, blue mess. It was fun watching her eat it so enthusiastically.
July 5
We took Papa and Nana on an evening stroll around the Nelson-Atkins and Plaza. Will had fun racing Nana and Papa around the green. Lauren was Ms. Independent and insisted on walking everywhere all by herself. This lead to several near-heart attacks when she ventured as close as she dared to the road. It had been cloudy all day, but a storm finally rolled in during our walk, so we cut it a bit short and ducked into Coldstone right behind a group of 15. Great timing there.


Susan said...

That's pretty impressive that Will knows all his logos so well. He's pretty much guaranteed to be a lifelong baseball fan.

Mitzi said...

That cotton candy looks delicious. I don't know why I still love that stuff so much.