Friday, July 11, 2014

will's preschool

Back: Ms. Barbara, Ms. Laura, Ms. Lindsey, Ms. Elizabeth // Standing: Will, Sam, Jonathan, Julian // Sitting: LC, Daxon, Peter, Angelina

Will finished his last day of preschool the day we left for St. Louis. He had a really great year! It was a big commitment for a 3 year old, and for our family too to some degree. His class met four days a week for 2.25 hours. I was a little apprehensive that it would be too much, but it turned out to be great for all of us. Will really matured this year. He's always been a pretty shy guy, and preschool helped him break out of his shell. He gets nervous talking to adults and had a hard time looking his teachers in the eye for the first few months, but by the end of the year he was looking forward to telling them jokes and talking with them about sea life or baseball. Lauren and I enjoyed having a few hours together with just the two of us as well.

Here is a smattering of pictures that show Will enjoying preschool this year:

1 comment:

Laura said...

Ah he's like a little person! I just love him!