Monday, July 21, 2014


At the end of June Andrew and Melanie passed through the Sunflower State on their way to Florida. If it seems like we have a lot of siblings moving this summer it is because we do. Four of our siblings and their spouses have moved since May.

The Staritas arrived in the OP late Saturday night. We saw them at church, ate dinner with them, and then they helped watch our kids while we taught a temple prep class in the evening.

Andrew amazed the kids by drinking pickle juice. For some reason pickles and pickle juice have become an ongoing joke with our kids.

Will and Andrew sang some made up songs together.

Melanie joined the performers for a song or two as well.

Of course Lauren had to get in on the action too.

John/Starita group pic

The Starita visit was even faster than the visit from Papa and Hillary a few weeks before. We've had some great quick visits with family this summer, but they've all been much to short. Don't worry Melanie and Andrew. As long as you're living in Florida you can expect visits from us every February. :)

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