Monday, July 21, 2014

24 hours with papa and hillary

Hillary and Ben recently completed their time at BYU and moved to Michigan to continue their quest to make the world a better place via Teach for America and the Ford Motor Company. Ben participated in an impressive car design contest so Doug volunteered to fly to Utah and help Hillary drive their car across the country in early June.

They arrived Friday evening and treated the kids and I to dinner at Chick-fil-A. Anthony arrived home a few hours after dinner, he had been working in Boston for the week. Papa came bearing gifts. He brought Lauren some Frozen puzzles and Will a box of baseball cards.

The inaugural sorting of the baseball cards.

Saturday morning we took things slow. Papa prepared a tasty breakfast feast consisting of French Toast and sausage. Then we visited and played with the kids for the rest of the morning.

Will enjoyed showing off his Angry Bird "skills."

We headed to Oklahoma Joe's for a late lunch. Will enjoyed getting an extra lift from Papa and Hillary.

After eating Hillary and I did some shopping and everyone else went home and rested. Post naps we headed out front for some softball. Will loves playing softball and was very excited to have Papa pitch to him.

Will took a turn pitching too.

After the softball game Hillary ran down the street with the kids. They loved chasing and being chased by her.

Eventually our fun day had to come to an end. Both kids were very bummed they had to leave so soon.

fun group of Johns

We had a great time hanging out with Papa and Hillary. Thanks for driving three hours out of your way to spend a day with us!


Hillary said...

Love those kids!!

Mitzi said...

You'll have to join Tony in Boston sometime soon so we can see you!