Monday, June 30, 2014

2014 :: week 26

June 22
Melanie and Andrew are moving to Florida and passed through as they were heading east. Will really likes his Uncle Andrew and was excited to hang out with him for an extra long time Sunday evening while Anthony and I taught a temple prep class. They made up a few songs that the kids have been singing throughout the week. One was about an orangutan and the other is about Will John.

June 23
I had been debating when to sign Will up for swimming lessons for awhile but hadn't quite gotten around to committing to a time. At 9:20 Monday morning I signed him up for swimming lessons that started at 9:30. Good thing the pool is only half a block away.

June 24
We've been attending the library storytimes on Tuesday morning this summer. I'm so impressed with the activities these librarians come up with. Tuesday's theme was "Math" and there were lots of counting and measuring songs/books/activities. For example, they had measured out how far a kangaroo hops (20 ft.) and then each kid could see how many of their hops it took to cover the same distance. They also had drawn and cut out the wingspans of various birds and the kids could stand next to it and find out which bird's wingspan was closest to theirs. There was an entire worksheet of things to measure. Will loves this kind of stuff. While him and I moved from station to station Lauren stayed and hopped in the kangaroo area for about 15 minutes.

June 25
 Walking home from the pool. Somehow this week ended up having a lot of pictures of Will.

June 26
I was trying to take some cute pictures of the kids in front of our house but they weren't really feeling it. Anthony was in DC Wednesday and Thursday and the kids and I struggled a bit. Anthony is the "bad cop"/enforcer in our family and the kids really push me when he is gone. This little lady may look sweet, but she is a force to be reckoned with when she feels wronged. When I upset her she quickly tells me "I'm not your friend anymore Mommy." Even though we had some tough moments, we actually get along really well most of the time.

June 27
If you look closely you can see Will waiting in line to go off the diving board at the end of his first week of swimming lessons. I could hardly believe it when he agreed to try. He is a very cautious child and I could tell by his body language while he was waiting in line that he was nervous. I was proud of him for doing something that scared him and realizing that he is capable of doing hard things.

June 28
Will enjoys sorting the baseball cards that Papa John gave him when he visited a few weeks ago. Occasionally he will ask me to sort with him, but Anthony is his sorting partner of choice. They sort the cards into team piles, arranged by division or alphabetically by team name (Red Sox or Cubs as opposed to city which would be Boston or Chicago). Will has a blossoming interest in baseball. This afternoon he told me that Eric Hosmer was a dirt dog totally out of the blue (we're assuming he said this because TJ told him Dustin Pedroia is a dirt dog and he has recently decided Hosmer is his favorite player).

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

That picture of Lauren is so sweet.