June 1 |
Will loves putting puzzles together on the lds.org website. He's getting quite good at it.
June 2 |
Monday we hung out with the Wilsons for a bit before bedtime. Lauren loves her baby cousin. She would hardly leave him alone, even when he was hanging out on the floor.
June 3 |
Emily and company headed back to Utah on Tuesday. We went over to my parents to say goodbye before they headed off. It was really to see them.
June 4 |
Wednesday evening we went to an outdoor concert. The kids had a great time running around and dancing with the music. It was a pretty great evening until a family sat down directly in front of us with expensive gelato. Both kids suddenly
really needed ice cream. I ended up letting them split a hot fudge sundae from McDonald's because I'm a nice mom.
June 5 |
Lauren has decided she's ready for the big swings, at least at parks that don't have baby swings. I don't know if I am ready for this level of independence from her.
June 6 |
Friday was National Donut Day. We picked up a few and enjoyed ourselves.
June 7 |
Hillary (and Ben) are moving to Detroit and Doug is helping her drive their car there. We were lucky they decided to add a few hours to their trip to stop and see us. The kids had a blast playing with them and Anthony and I enjoyed chatting with them and catching up with what's going on in their lives. Before they left we played a little baseball. We were really spoiled to get to visit with 5 out-of-town family members this week.
Evaline was reading over my shoulder and saw the picture of Will working on the puzzle. So, naturally, we had to try out the lds.org puzzles, too. They were a hit. :)
We miss you guys already!!
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