Sunday, June 29, 2014

2014 :: week 25

June 15
Father's Day. We celebrated with my parents and after dinner took a few pictures in their front yard. Our kids are so blessed to have so many quality men in their lives.

June 16
We went to the splash park with some friends from church. I wasn't sure how the kids would react, being that they don't like showers. Will played on the fringes. Lauren embraced the experience and scream-cried when it was time to go.

June 17
Lauren likes doing noses--which is when you touch your nose to someone else. She will pretty much only do this with mom and dad and when she is in a good mood.

June 18
Will and Lauren love playing on the playground after lunch. There are three different clusters of equipment, and we mainly stick to the one geared for the youngest kids. The other playgrounds have older kids playing on them and often they are pelting each other with the rubber mulch. On Wednesday it was "safe" (no mulch fights going on) and Will ventured over and hung out for a bit.

June 19
I like it when the kids play together peacefully. It doesn't happen as often or for as long as I'd like, but when it does, it is awesome.

June 20

Friday Lauren woke up telling us she didn't feel well and that her tummy hurt. As the morning went on she continued to complain and when I picked her up I noticed she was quite hot. She was running a fever so I decided to take her in to the pediatrician before the weekend started. They checked to make sure she didn't have a UTI (she didn't) and after giving her some Tylenol she was back to normal within a few hours. She is constipated and we've added sprinkles (miralax) to her diet to get things going, but constipation doesn't cause fevers so that was something else.

June 21
Saturday morning Anthony and Will mowed the lawn. Will loves doing anything with Dad these days.

1 comment:

Carly said...

I love Will in the first picture. I think I made the same comment on a different picture you posted with Will looking over his glasses. The picture of Lauren doing noses with Anthony is adorable.