Sunday, June 15, 2014


Last time we saw the Wilsons it was the week before Christmas and Emily was 7 month pregnant. Since then they've had their baby, Tyler, and they came back into town at the beginning of the month to introduce him to their Kansas family. We had such a fun time getting to know him and catching up with Em and Matt. We went over to my parents house so we could be there when they arrived. Will kept telling me to leave. He said it was more fun to be at Memaw's house when I was not there. Ouch.

Will and Lauren were very excited to meet Baby Tyler and showered him with attention the moment he arrived.

They swarmed him and did their best to make sure all his needs were met. Will is straightening his blanket and Lauren is helping him do a puzzle.

I got to hold him for a few minutes too.

The second day they were here they joined us at the pool. It was Tyler's first time "swimming."

 cousins are fun

Will was pleased to share his hat with Tyler when we realized we had gotten to the pool without a hat for him.

 Hanging out post pool, meeting Uncle Tony.

 such a cute little guy

Saturday was Uncle Matt's birthday, so while he was our with his brothers we helped Emily set up for a birthday party.

 There were lots of balloons.

Will is always willing to help blow out candles.

Grandma and her grandkids.

Lauren has become even more fascinated with all things baby. Will even got in on the baby excitement too. I don't know if I have enough childbearing years left to supply all the babies they think they want. At the very least Will has ordered twin boys. I think his newborn boy twin cousins (Derek and Nolan Maxfield) may have contributed to this wish.

 Look! Lauren can lay on a blanket too!

And Will can fit in a bumbo!

The week went by way too fast. Will and Lauren still talk about the "little man," (Pepaw's nickname for Tyler) and going to the pool with Em and Matt. Thanks for taking the time to come and visit!


Laura said...

looks like so much fun!! i can't wait until i'm home to play with you all!

Mitzi said...

He looks like one of your own! Cute boy!