Sunday, December 22, 2013

wilson week

My sister Emily and her husband Matt drove to Kansas last weekend while I was flying home from Utah. Having them here felt like Christmas came early.

We took them to Bass Pro and showed them the hoops parents are willing to jump through for a picture with Santa.

Will LOVED having them here to help celebrate his birthday. As far as he was concerned, celebrating his birthday was THE reason they made the trip. Matt and Em gave him a cool sealife set, complete with 3D puzzles, fact cards, and miniature figurines.

Matt and Will spent a serious chunk of time assembling each of the puzzles.

They brought Lauren some stickers so she wouldn't feel left out. She loved them, and now I keep finding them all over the house.

They were really great and played with my kids for hours on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I was so tired when I got back, it was nice to have some extra back-up. Hide and seek is a John kid favorite, and Matt and Emily played with them far longer than Anthony or I ever do. The kids loved it!

Unfortunately, Thursday morning Emily woke up with the stomach flu and my mom had a terrible cough/cold combo. Matt held strong for a few more days and now he is feeling sick, just in time for the drive home.

Saying goodbyes. 

Thanks for visiting, Wilsons! Get well soon! We can't wait to see you again next year!

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