Some things in the church are the same no matter where you go (in the US, at least). In Belmont, just like Overland Park, Lauren is compelled to scribble on the chalkboard as we were trying to leave church.
Will was a bit under the weather while we were in Boston that mainly afflicted him in the evening. Monday night he fell asleep at the dinner table and took woke up around 9. Naturally, he was hungry when he woke up from his evening nap. Luckily Nana and Papa keep plenty of graham crackers and milk on hand.
Tuesday we said goodbye to Boston and flew home to Kansas City. It was a little disappointing to spend the most gorgeous day of our trip in the airport and on a plane. Despite the cold temps, we had a great trip.
By Wednesday evening we were back in the swing of things and attending library storytime. This week the stories had a "Feliz Navidad" theme. The kids got to make luminaries (which took me back to 2007 and the Maxfield's wedding prep) and decorate cookies.
The yellow tub is supposed to house our outside toys. As you can see, our backyard is in a sad state of neglect. Due to our neglect there are currently no toys in the tub, but it is half full of frozen rainwater. Squirrels are constantly climbing in the tub looking for a drink.
The cold temperatures have brought dry air. Dry air means dry skin and static. Lauren's hair gets particularly static-y.
Saturday evening I went to a GNO at my friend Elena's house. I had a great time chatting, snacking and crafting. We bedazzled these cool gloves that work on smartphones. I'm pretty excited about them. Thanks for such a fun night girls!
Your gloves were my favorite. So glad you had fun!
That is such a cute picture of Lauren! I am so excited to see you guys soon and glad you had a good week!
Loved your gloves too!:)
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