Sunday, December 22, 2013

surprise! my utah trip

My sister, Emily, is expecting a baby boy in early February. My mom thought (and I agreed) that it would be fun to throw her a surprise baby shower a few weeks before Christmas. We bought tickets and then did our best to keep it a secret for the next few weeks. It was harder than I thought, so I told almost no one about it because I was afraid I would slip. My sister Jill was in on the secret because I was going to stay with her for the weekend.

I arrived in SLC Thursday evening. We got busy eating Cafe Rio, playing volleyball (her, not me), shopping, and making dinner for the next evening. 

Friday Jill had to work so I was free to do whatever I pleased. It has been a long time since I've had so few responsibilities (but thanks to TJ, my dad and friends who watched the kids while I was gone). I did some reading, shopping, laundry and then took a quick nap. The inversion was terrible that day and I am not used to that thin Utah air.

That afternoon I drove down to American Fork and visited Carly and her girls at their beautiful new home. It was so fun visiting with her and touring their house. I keep trying to think of ways I could add a mudroom to my current house and I just don't know how I'm going to work it out.

When I got back to Jill's place I started setting up for the surprise shower. I started to feel really anxious about ruining the surprise. I was so relieved when everyone got there and I didn't have to hide anything anymore.

We feasted and then dug into the presents.

I don't think Baby Wilson is going to have to repeat outfits very often.

The next day I visited Emily in the morning and watched her organize her new baby stuff.

Then I headed south and met my good friend and former roommate Candace for lunch.

It was so great visiting with Candace and catching up. Well, we didn't have enough time to completely catch up, so we are obviously going to have to get together again soon.

I had hoped to go visit the Nielsons again, but the timing worked out for me to meet them at the BYU women's basketball game. Daniel is the assistant coach and it was fun to see him in his element.

Unfortunately the Cougars lost in double overtime, but it was pretty exciting until the final 2 minutes. The girls were so cute. Sadie really wanted to get on the big screen and is such a darling little dancer. Elise has grown up so much since I saw her last in Maine. She is so tall (and cute). Can't wait to meet Nielson girl #3 in May.

After the game we drove up to SLC to go to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert. Traffic was a little bad considering both the concert and the BYU/Utah Men's basketball game were going on in Salt Lake that night.



The concert was great and the temple grounds were gorgeous.

Sunday I headed back to KC and my kids and TJ. I bought the cheapest ticket with the 3.5 hour layover and was seriously regretting it. I was so tired by the end of the trip. The time change plus hanging out with night owls makes for one very tired Carrie.

Took this awesome picture of myself attempting to take a nap in the upper level of the Denver Airport.

Here are some pictures Tony took of him and the kids while I was gone, plus a selfie by Will:

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