Saturday, December 21, 2013

2013 :: week 50

We finally got around to putting our Christmas decorations out. These old Christmas photos make me smile, especially the picture from Will's first Christmas. He was 8 days old and both Anthony and I were barely functioning. He was such an angry elf that year.

Our Christmas book box is out, and as you can see, it's contents are everywhere. Both kids love to read, and there is something especially magical about Christmas books. We get a few new ones each year and are starting to amass quite a collection. That spot on the fireplace is one of Lauren's current favorite perches. 

We've received a few more packages than average this month. Here Will is turning a shipping box into a space-rocket. He was very detail-oriented. There is a steering wheel, windows complete with a waving alien, two seats and lots of buttons.

Though they have their share of antagonistic moments, lately Will and Lauren are getting more affectionate with each other. Wednesday night they shared a goodnight hug.

Thursday I flew to Utah for a quick trip to visit my sisters and celebrate Emily's baby. I snapped a picture of the kids eating lunch right before I left so I'd have a picture of them to look at on the plane. I was really excited to visit my sisters, but I was pretty sad to leave my kids.

Friday we surprised Emily and showered her with presents for her gestating baby boy.

Saturday evening my mom, sisters and I went to the MoTab Christmas Concert. It was my first time and I enjoyed it. This picture isn't very clear, but it is John Rhys-Davies floating through the air (as the Ghost of Christmas Present) narrating the story behind A Christmas Carol with young Charles Dickens.

1 comment:

Susan said...

We watched part of the Christmas concert when they broadcast it for Music and the Spoken Word. Looked like a great concert. How fun to get to go.