The day started bright and early as we left the house at 7:05. It was raining a little as we got in the car and as we boarded the bus to Kansas City. By the time we got off the bus for our 1/3 mile walk to work, the rain was pouring. Will was a trooper, and after a minute, I figured out that best way to walk was to pick Will up while carrying my computer and our lunches while holding up the umbrella. I felt like a Dad...a Dad with tired arms because Carrie and I worked out at the gym the day before. We still got pretty wet.
My co-workers went above and beyond preparing for this day. Will had a picture ID badge and bag of goodies waiting with his name on it. Will had been looking forward to this day for weeks, and I think his expectations were surpassed.
After breakfast, Will was sworn in for the day as a public servant and put in charge of the IRS. I kid. He swore to uphold the constitution...and have lots of fun.
My workplace has had an explosion of kids. Take your kids to work day used to get 2 or 3 kids. This picture does not capture all the really young children who visited that day as well. It is fantastic to work with people who value work and having families. I thought Will was going to be the youngest kid there, but he was not as many newer parents shared their kids with the rest of us.
We visited various offices within our federal complex. This picture was taken when we visited the Army Corps of Engineers emergency room. They had the largest HD screen I have ever seen and they showed off with Sesame Street clips. They let the kids speak into the microphones, which kicked off a repetitive conversation where the kids took turns saying "Well, this is so weird." Modern kids are so much more measured in their talk. I am sure kids from my generation would have said "poop" or something at that level.
The kids got restless as some our time was spent waiting, sitting, listening or having a tour. Here the kids got out some of their extra energy pretending a yellow circular couch was a jungle gym.
Here will is driving the Homeland Security's police SUV. He liked the lights but did not enjoy the sirens. The police officers were fantastic with the kids.
Here they allowed us to put the kids in the "jail" cell in their office. they informed us that they never use it, as there is a large county jail across the street. Will seemed a little too pleased to be in jail.
I was so proud when I told him to bust out a "mean face" for his mug shot and he reached back and found this face. Future method actor, Will John.
Will had been preparing for this moment for months since he acquired a ninja sword at his friend Ethan's ninja birthday party. Will came away from his time with the police quite convinced that it was his calling in life: shooting guns in a virtual reality room, pretending to lock yourself in jail, and beating the tar out of dummies.
At lunchtime, mom and LoJo arrived to up the fun. Lauren managed to be there for less than two hours and throw a memorable tantrum. Both kids devoured their ice cream, but still seem to misunderstand the point of the ice cream cone (it is edible).
You can see the chocolate ice cream on Will's nose on our bus ride home. That is what happens when you strain to stick your tongue as deep as you can into the ice cream cone and refuse to bite it. The bus rides were definitely highlights of the day for Will. He asked me many, many questions about what we were passing on the side of the road. He brilliantly asked if the bus was driving near "Lauren's hospital (Children's Mercy downtown), and it was. He easily identified the "Circle Building" (Sprint Center) where we saw the Cougar boys basketball team. He is specific about the "boys" because we traveled to Lincoln, NE to see the Cougar girls. The kid has a brain like a trap. He's probably thinking: "Dad's job was great. But I am going to be a NASA scientist/engineer."
All in all the day at work was great. It was a special day that will be talked about in the John household for years because Will memorized the details of the day.
That is such a cool day for the kids! That is way better than the two take your daughter to work days I went to with Dad and Grant. Dad and Grant actually had to work.
I'm glad places still do stuff like that. I was afraid that had all died out.
I love it! That looks like so much fun. And Will's mug shot is incredible. Good work, kid.
I really enjoyed that, Teej. Will is a cutie pie and you captured him in his day so well!
Fun day!
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