April 20 |
Lauren got an Easter egg from her nursery teacher and kept stuffing it down her shirt to keep it safe. At one point she had two eggs in there and got a few quizzical stares from members of the single's ward.
April 21 |
Monday I worked for several hours cleaning our kitchen window. Will got jealous of all the fun I was having and insisted on cleaning the windows in the TV room.
April 22 |
We celebrated Earth Day by having a picnic at the Overland Park Arboretum. It was our first visit this year and it did not disappoint. The kids love to "feed the fish" in the big pond.
April 23 |
I've been having Will spend an hour in his room every afternoon. The quiet time is good for us both. He doesn't have to sleep, though I do hope he will. The one rule is he has to be quiet. Lately he has enjoyed making pictures with his pattern blocks. He has moved past using the patterns that came with his set and enjoys freestyling. On Wednesday he made a dragon. In this picture he is also making a dragon face.
April 24 |
Lauren and I spent about two hours at TJ's work on "take your child to work day." Those two hours included lunch at the cafeteria and ice cream in the conference room, so basically the best part of the day. Lauren
really enjoyed the ice cream. She threw a terrible fit when we took her soggy cone away from her.
April 25 |
Last week we planted a few seeds with the kids. It has been fun checking them each day to see if what changes might have occurred overnight. Will has been really good about remembering to water them each day. Four of them have actually sprouted! Now we need to transfer them to larger pots and see if our good fortune can continue.
April 26 |
Saturday evening we went to Shawnee Mission Park. On our way out we stopped by the tower and took this picture. The kids loved climbing up, but getting down was a different story. It's amazing how much windier it was up there. It was a gorgeous spring night and it was fun to look out over the park.
1 comment:
Lauren and the eggs cracks me up! I love that last group pic of all you guys. Such a great little family shot!
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