Sunday, April 13, 2014

2014 :: week 15

April 6
TJ and I teamed up and made cinnamon rolls on Sunday. They were delicious, but extremely rich. The recipe called for a pound of butter, so we'll probably only make these once or twice a year.

April 7
Monday the kids and I played in the backyard for a bit. Lauren likes to copy everything I do. It was bright outside so I put on sunglasses. She needed her shades too. More of our daffodils opened up so I wanted to take some pictures. Lauren wanted to too. She took her picture-taking very seriously.

April 8
This week the weather was nice enough for Lauren and I to walk for a mile or so after we dropped Will off as at school each day. Tuesday Lauren told me she didn't want to ride in the stroller. I didn't think she'd make it very far so I brought the stroller along anyway. She ended up walking 3/4 a mile before she agreed to get in. We didn't go much further, we usually walk for about half an hour and she walked for a solid 20 minutes.

April 9
Wednesday we had an impromptu picnic at the park by our house with some friends from church. The kids had a blast running around the park with their friends. We usually play at the park by ourselves, so it was fun to add variety to our routine.

April 10
Will was upset when Lauren told him we saw worms on our walk Thursday morning. As soon as we got home from school we headed out back because Will had to find one too. He insisted that I help him and we got lucky and found one under a rock right away.

April 11
Friday night we had a movie night and watched Peter Pan. The kids got really into it and acted out some Peter Pan/Pirate Hook (what they call Captain Hook) fight sequences. We are really enjoying rediscovering classic Disney movies with our kids.

April 12

I love the pop of color the daffodils bring to our backyard. There is rain and snow in the forecast for tomorrow. I hope they make it through okay. They've really cheered me up this month.


The Cunninghams said...

I love Lauren's little belly!

Susan said...

Those cinnamon rolls look delicious.

Side note: Yesterday, out of the blue, Evaline said, "I miss Will. I wonder if he remembers me." So you guys aren't forgotten 'round here! :)