Wednesday, April 2, 2014

2014 :: week 13

March 23
Lauren loves her babies. Her collection seems to be continually growing as she takes over responsibility for all the dolls and stuffed animals in our house, including Will's. Here she is feeding Baby Addy (in the stroller, names after her cousin Adelaide) and Baby Natalie (high chair) while holding Penguin Baby (which Will received at a doctor visit).

March 24
Will and Lauren were a lot more excited about the snow that fell Monday afternoon than I was.

March 25
We've fallen into he habit of letting the kids watch a show after dinner since it got cold and windy again. Warm and sunny spring can start any time now.

March 26
Wednesday the kids came with me to the gym since Anthony was in Atlanta. Will has gotten much more adventurous in his climbing. Unfortunately, he is much faster going up than coming down and is usually at the highest or least accessible point when I tell him it is time to go.

March 27
I have somehow set a bad example for Lauren, even though the only times I take naps on the couch is in the afternoon. Thursday morning she carried her cereal to the couch, got a blanket and asked for a "show" so she could "sleep." I think the gray skies are getting to her.

March 28
Lauren has started taking her purse places with us. Friday she stashed it with some of her play money. When we got to the grocery check-out she told me, "I pay," fished a coin out of her purse and handed it to the cashier. The cashier was very nice, thanked her, and then handed the coin back to me. Lauren was quite pleased with herself. She also has recently decided to boycott ponytails or hairstyles of any kind, so her crazy hair is her own doing.

March 29
Saturday we road-tripped up to Lincoln to watch the BYU Women's basketball team take on UConn. It was great seeing "Coach Uncle Daniel," (as Will calls him) do his thing. It was an exciting game! After the game we had dinner with Daniel and his parents. Daniel was great with the kids, giving each of them a ride on his shoulders and racing with Will on the way back from Panera.


Carly said...

What room is that in the first picture? Is that the basement? Laurens unruly hair looks much more attractive than Elises.

Meredith said...

The play space at your gym looks awesome. Is that for child care or is it just an indoor playground you can use?