It's been awhile since I've blogged specifically about Lauren. In honor of her half birthday yesterday I'm dedicating this post to her.
Lauren at 2.5 is the sweetest little girl you could ever imagine... well as the most stubborn girl on the face of the earth. Basically life with her is the best of times and the worst of times. Thankfully the good times far outnumber the bad.
Lauren is really blossoming. She talks a mile a minute. She is busy, busy, busy. She loves her babies. She is always "hungwy" and if I leave the cupboard unlocked she will help herself to whatever strikes her fancy. Her favorite food is a "hogdog" from Costco. Seriously. She wants to do everything Will does and doesn't let her shorter limbs and less-developed skills stop her. Anthony and I joke that she has a Stockholm Syndrome-type relationship with Will because he is often doing something to intentionally make her life more difficult but there is no one she would rather play with than him. She loves to climb and swing, but is more cautious when it comes to sliding. She is incredibly gracious and says thank you for everything, but only says please when forced. She likes to give directions. If something happened to me, she would keep things running. Lauren is a songbird. When she isn't telling us what to do she is singing. She's a soloist and does not like it when other people try to sing with her. We regularly hear her singing in bed for over an hour after bedtime. Speaking of sleep, she still naps. She loves her bed and her pacifier. I am a little embarrassed that we still let her use it, but I love the fact that she sleeps so well and takes a regular nap so clearly I'm not that embarrassed. She is incredibly friendly and considers everyone her friend. She gives great hugs and there is no one I would rather be around when I am feeling sad than her. She is so sweet and nurturing and I am excited to see the person she is (hopefully) growing up to be. This winter was a bit rough for me, but I can honestly say that Lauren has been one of the most constant sources of sunshine in our house.
A few pictures of Lauren being Lauren:
Telling me to go away when I caught her sneaking popcorn.
Feeding Baby Addy a bottle on one of our walks.
Showing me the "powers" she has in her hands.
Riding Will's tricycle while his back is turned.
Enjoying a carousel ride at the mall with Mom.
Putting on a brother/sister music show at Memaw's house.
Saying hi to the cow at Wonderscope.
Eating her most requested food.
Dressing up.
She's a pretty great girl. I'm so glad she's ours.
I've always thought she was a sweet girl!
Cute stuff. Lauren is looking so much like you these days! She's a pretty gal.
I love Lauren. We wish we lived closer so we can witness all of this in person, but seeing it through your blog is pretty good too.
I love this. "The best and worst of times" is something I can definitely relate to. I'm glad your good times outweigh the bad. I'm dying over that batman costume on her!
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