Sunday, May 11, 2014

2014 :: week 18

April 27
Sunday evening the rain started to POUR while we were eating dinner. The sky went from dark, to light, and back several times. It was windy too and our trees lost a few branches.

April 28
The forecast said that Monday was going to be the only warm and sunny day until the weekend. It ended up being cold and cloudy, but at least it didn't rain. We took a trip to the farmstead and tried to stay out of the house as much as possible before it started to rain again. The kids loved the baby calves in the dairy barn. We ended up spending a lot of time in there, which was fine with me because it was a bit chilly.

April 29

The sky was dark and heavy with clouds for several days in a row. There was rain too, just not as much as I had expected.

April 30

Will and Lauren turned our dining rooms chairs over and pretended it was some sort of vehicle.

May 1
Thursday morning I was surprised when I opened our front blinds to find several police cars out front. Sometimes teenagers decide to make dumb choices with their lives.

May 2

The kids were excited to finally have a reason to wear sunglasses again. The sun came out on Friday. Several neighborhoods in our area were holding community garage sales and we found a few deals while we were shopped.

May 3
Saturday morning we made an early morning trip to the Home Depot along with about half of Overland Park. It was very crowded. After we loaded up our bags of mulch someone pointed out to us that there was a drive-through where HD employees would load bags of mulch straight into you car for you. Oh well. The kids enjoyed riding on the pallet with our mulch, so doing it ourselves was worth it.


Holly said...

Dogs they finally do something about the drug deals?

E said...

Wondering the same thing - were the police there for that house?