May 11 |
Mother's Day morning I was treated to a breakfast in bed. It was my first breakfast in bed experience. I enjoyed it, but was pretty nervous about spilling my orange juice the whole time I was eating. Especially with the kids rolling around on the bed by me. Will was
very excited about helping make my breakfast. It was quite sweet. I love my crazy kids.
May 12 |
When I opened our blinds Monday morning I was surprised to see this sight. Our poor tree sustained some damage from the thunderstorm Sunday night/Monday morning. This tree has had some problems
for awhile. My dad brought his chain saw over and he and Anthony spent a few hours Tuesday night getting it cleaned up. We also got our trees worked on (canopy lifted, deadwood removed, etc.) later in the week, so our yard will be getting a bit more sunlight this summer.
May 13 |
Tuesday we headed back to the library. Will and I worked on several puzzles together.
May 14 |
I try to do only one big shopping trip a week. For the past weeks we've done it on Wednesday. This week our shopping included a trip to Costco. And we all know a Costco trip means buying treats you don't need but do anyway because they are on sale. This month it was popsicles. At least they are really good popsicles.
May 15 |
A friend in my old ward started a book club close to four years ago. It has evolved over the years as people have moved (both in and out) but it is something I consistently look forward to each month. We've read a variety of genres and I am always impressed with the discussions we have. Of course there is usually a lot of non-book related talk that goes on as well. This month it was my turn to host and we read
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling.
May 16 |
Friday evening Anthony and I went to see the 5 Browns in concert at the Kauffman Center. Anthony's mission friend
Stephen Beus was filling in for one of the Brown sisters who is on maternity leave. I haven't seen Anthony this excited since we got our piano tuned by a Finnish man. I had never been to a piano concert before and was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed myself. We waited after the concert to visit with Stephen for a bit and the men had fun catching up.
May 17 |
We spent the morning strictly reinforcing gender stereotypes. Not really. But our kids fall into them quite naturally. In truth, Will started to "mow" with his lawn mower when Anthony went out to cut our grass, and then Lauren wanted to use the mower too. Obviously they can't use the same lawnmower at the same time and I told her she had to wait. While she was waiting she decided to push Baby Addy around the yard. She has "candies" in her purse in case her baby gets hungry. I wonder where she learned that? These kids make me nervous sometimes with all the things they notice.
That book club sure was fun. I have high hopes for joining another one someday. I loved the shirt you are wearing in that picture!
Those popsicles look delicious. And I was the holiday downer mom who refused to eat breakfast in my bed despite the excitement of Sadie. Hate crumbs in the bed.
I will definitely miss book club!
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