Saturday, November 2, 2013

2013 :: week 44


It's amazing how fast the leaves have started to change. It seemed like it took quite awhile for them to change this year and now they are changing quickly.

We had to replace one headlight and one taillight. It's a good thing they sell those light bulbs in two-packs because it took me a couple of tries to get it in right. It's also a good thing we saved money by changing the lights ourselves to make up for the cost of the "practice" bulbs.

Will drew some pictures for Anthony. Can you tell what they are? The three blue figures (2 of which have beards) are Red Sox players. The kids really enjoyed getting excited about the Red Sox with TJ.

Lauren had her two year old check up this week. She's looking good and appears to have outgrown her allergies. Such happy news!

The kids had a great time trick or treating Thursday night. Lauren and I only went to a few neighbors, while Tony and Will went up and down the whole street. As we walked from house to house Will let out a few "roars" to intimidate others since we left his Robin Hood bow and arrow at home.

After a rainy and gray week it was nice to finally get out and enjoy some sunshine. After meeting friends at the park I went for a quick jog when Anthony finished working.

We have great neighbors. A limb on a tree in our back yard fell and got lodged in the tree and Ken got out his saw and helped us take care of it. 


E said...

How great that Lauren outgrew her allergies!!

Laura said...

LoJo's halloween pants in the checkup picture are awesome! Style master approved!

Tina said...

I;m so happy that Lauren is a healthy 2 year old, having out grown her allergies! Yeah! She looks just so cute in all of these pictures.