Sunday, May 11, 2014

2014 :: week 19

May 4
This is Katie. We hang out during primary most Sundays. She has autism and can get a little overwhelmed with all that is going on during sharing time. It does feel a bit chaotic at times. I sit with her and take her out if she needs a break or I can sense she is getting overstimulated. Some weeks go more smoothly than others.

May 5
We decided to fill our sand table up with sand this year. Last year we did not because I got tired of all the sand that fell on our deck. Within minutes Lauren lived up to my worst fears and began spilling sand all over the place. At least this year it will land on a patch of dead grass.

May 6
I really love our library. This week they had a children's music specialist available to talk with parents about ways to encourage musical development in the home. While families were waiting to talk to the specialist they had a variety of toys and activities set up for the kids to keep them entertained.

May 7
Will and I spent a bit of time painting some cardboard "w's" for his room. I was trying to craft in secret, but he caught me and he wouldn't let it go so we crafted together. It is fun to see his creative juices start to flow.

May 8
Will is obsessed with sports--baseball and basketball specifically--and pretends he is playing a game all the time. He's usually the Royals, Jayhawks or Cougars. We found the Jayhawk basketball and Royals t-shirt he is wearing last week at yard sales for fifty cents each. One dollar for my child's happiness works for me. While he was playing in our yard he told me he was on the Jayhawk-Cougars and they were "gonna win all the games!"

May 9
Both kids were acting sick when they woke up Friday morning. Will said his mouth hurt and Lauren was sluggish and grumpy. Lauren actually had a low grade fever, but Will was fine after he ate breakfast and watched Robin Hood. We had a slow, quiet morning and it was a nice change of pace. There have been some bugs going around, so we laid low most of the day. Both kids were fine by the end of the day.

May 10
We finally got around to putting out the mulch we bought last Saturday. Lauren wanted to push the wheel barrel and actually got it to move a few inches before it hit another bag. She's a determined woman.


Mitzi said...

I am pretty jealous of that library! It seems so much cooler than the Antioch one.

Meredith said...

So are sports trumping Will's love of music and instruments? Or is he just a Renaissance man?