Saturday, May 24, 2014

2014 :: week 21

May 18
After Sunday dinner at my parent's house we sang some primary songs together. Will helped Anthony play the piano and Lauren sang into the microphone. She is usually the featured soloist. Occasionally she permits the rest of us to sing too.

May 19
We've had a lot of dandelions in our yard this spring. Will loved watching Anthony dig them up and has taken to doing it himself whenever he spies one in our yard. Unfortunately, his digging usually leaves large divots in the ground.

May 20
Lauren loves playing with the toys in her room. She has such an active imagination. I enjoy listening to her and all the interesting things that she comes up with while she is playing.

May 21
Wednesday was Will's last day of preschool. He had a great year! Getting Will to school each morning by 8:15am required me to get up and going much earlier than I would have on my own. Will is up by 7:30am regardless of whether or not school is in session, so it wasn't a strain for him at all. I'm going to miss the structure his school schedule dictated, but am looking forward to slower mornings.

May 22
TJ had work in St. Louis so we decided to tag along! It was a fairly last minute decision, but a good one. While Anthony was working Thursday morning the kids and I visited the arch. Lauren didn't sleep well Wednesday night (which means NO ONE slept well) and opted to ride while we walked around.

May 23

On our way out of town we stopped at the St. Louis Temple and had a small picnic. The temple grounds were looking especially gorgeous that afternoon.

May 24
Will's latest obsession is baseball. Every morning we pull up yesterday's MLB scoreboard. Will then goes through and talks about each game. "The Cleveland Indians played the Baltimore Orioles and lost 4-8." He is able to correctly identify the team logos most of the time. He's only 4. I would say that I am worried about what this obsession could turn into, but there are much worse things to be into than baseball.


Carly said...

When I saw the first picture I thought it was your house and spent a minute trying to figure out which room it was. Will has an amazing memory. And I love the things he takes interest in- marching bands, baseball stats, what are other interests of Anthony's that he can learn about?

Holly said...

I hope you had a good trip!