Sorry for the delay in getting this post up. I still want to post about Christmas and was trying to decide which pictures to use where. Add to that my tendency to avoid things rather than finish them (as evidenced by my house full of partially finished projects) and you can see why I would skip forward to 2013. It made me feel good to hear that people are actually interested in our lives and noticed I missed a week. Thanks for making me feel special.
On Christmas Sunday we hosted the family for dinner. I made pulled pork, my dad made some delicious potatoes and we enjoyed visiting with each other. I just want to point out that we love and respect our kids so much that we give them the seats at the head of the table. Actually, it's more like, they make such a mess that they need extra room and no adult should have to sit
too close to them when barbeque sauce is involved.
Looking at this picture of my two crazy kids almost makes my heart burst. I love these two so much, even though this was probably the best "pajamas by the tree" picture we got of the both of them. We spent the day of Christmas Eve at home: baking, wrapping presents, and watching Christmas movies. That night we went over to my parents for dinner, the reading of Luke 2, and singing Christmas carols.
We got some new games for Christmas. Christmas night I headed over to my parents and played Feast and Famine with my sisters and Andrew. It's a Mormon game (sold at Deseret Book) and was pretty fun. We sort of figured out the strategy as we went and it got a lot more fun when as we did.
The day after Christmas we put together some of our new toys. Will got a work bench from his Nana and Papa, complete with foam "wood" and plans to make various things. Will is pretty possesive of this toy, and it is one of Lauren's favorites to swoop in and touch when Will isn't around.
Thursday was the last day Melanie and Andrew were in town. They had to head back to Utah to get back for Andrew's brother's wedding and Melanie's dietetics internship. It is safe to say that Andrew is one of Will's favorite people. We are still invoking Andrew's name to get Will to do things. In case you were curious, those sweet green shoes on Melanie's feet are in fact slippers and I too own a pair. They are part of Snooki's signature line, and they are surprisingly comfortable. If you are interested in getting your own pair head
here immediately.
Friday we had to say another goodbye, this time to Jill. Still can't believe that she wanted to spend New Years with her friends instead of with us. Oh wait. We went to bed before midnight and spent the day organizing children's clothing into tubs. Nevermind. Before she left we went shopping and had lunch together. Both of my kids really love their Aunt Jill and Will is proud that they have the same letters in their names.
Saturday was TJ's birthday! For someone that loves birthdays as much as I do, I struggle to deliver for TJ most years. We had a pretty quiet day where I ran lots of errands and Anthony played with the kids. We had dinner with some friends and enjoyed visiting while our kids played and Will got poop all over the toilet. I probably won't do a separate post about Anthony's birthday, being that this is the best photo I have from that day, so I just want to make it known that he is pretty great. He is a friend to everyone and is always willing to help. I often say that I feel like I do it all, until he's gone and life is much harder and I realize he does a lot more than I think. He's just quiet about it, not a martyr like I tend to be. Our kids love him, especially Will. Lately he has been telling me that the crazy donkey hangs out with Shrek and Will hangs out with Dad. He almost always chooses to do whatever Dad is doing, when given the option, and wants to do and be everything "like Dad."