Friday, April 30, 2010

Pictoral Travelogue

Last week Will and I spent some time in the Beehive State. We went to introduce Will to our Utah family and friends and to be a part of Jill's graduation festivities.

Congratulations Jill!!

So upset that the festivities were drawing to a close.

It is hard to sum up all we fit in to 4 1/2 days. I am still tired. So the pictures will have to do a lot of the talking for me.

Will's first flight! The trip out was great--we won't talk about the trip home.

He was so happy when we finally got to Hurricane and he could get out of his car seat.

Will loved my grandparents.

Especially Grandmamere. They connected instantly.

He felt content in her arms. We are already trying to figure out a time to visit again.

Will also got to meet his cousin Sadie and Aunt Carly and Uncle Daniel.

Unfortunately, Will was a bit grumpy when we hung out with them. Sadie was as even cuter than I pictured. It was fun to see the cousins together and their similarities. We observed that they have very similar head shapes and that Will's voice is deeper than Sadie's. It was also funny that if Will got fussy, Sadie would start to make some noise, and when Sadie was loud, Will had to get loud too. Already trying to one-up each other or trying to make sure the other didn't get all the attention.

I am mad I didn't get better pictures and that Will wasn't more cooperative, but I guess you can only ask so much of a 4 month old.

It was so fun to hang out with family. I wish we all lived closer and could hang out all the time.

I guess you could say we missed Anthony a bit. So while we were in Provo we took Will to a few places his dad might head if he were in town.

Will pounding it with his Dad's BFF, Darren.

Seeing how far his Dad has come since he met Mom. (I will admit that the Caddyshack looked better back in 2005).

Will loves family history already.

This is what we came home to:

Yikes! Christmas of '08 Anthony grew out his facial hair and then cut a goatee. Right after he shaved it off we watched Anger Management with his family and saw Luis Guzman's sweet facial hair. He's been dying to do it ever since. I'm pleased to say it didn't last long.

We couldn't have survived without the help of my parents--thank you!!


Meredith said...

For some reason I love the picture of him crying. I can't wait to play with Sadie and Will in a few weeks.

Melissa said...

What a fun trip! I am so bummed we weren't there together. That would've been so fun. You have such an awesome family.

D said...

Glad I got to meet the youngster. He's a cute one. Just make sure you bring Tony next time:)

Susan said...

Sounds like a busy and fun trip! Tony looks like he might mug someone in that last photo though...

Jill said...

hahahaha. I remember hearing about his goal to grow that goatee. Sick. And so funny.

Jill said...
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Jilleen said...

I'm sad I missed seeing you and Will. Maybe I should visit my parents a bit more then I'd see the visitors that pass through! :)

Tina said...

I totally love the picture of Will at the "Harvey Fletcher" building. First I thought he was sitting on the wall, until I spotted the hands holding him up. I thought that building was getting torn down over a year ago, so it's great that it's still there for my grandchildren to have a picture with a building named after their great-great grandfather.

Laura said...

Way to go Jill!! You rock! Oh, and will's pretty cute too :)

Nikki said...

I love it! How funny and fun. We're off for a UT adventure w/Hallie this morning.