On to bigger and better things....
Items of note since we last blogged:
- I finished a class (so much harder with a baby than I ever would have imagined). I am 6/7 finished with school! And now I am taking the summer off.
- For Mother's Day my whole family got together and my sisters and I worked to clean out the stuff we have stored at my parent's house. I found some great treasures--like my first Troll, my middle school yearbook (where I edited out all the swears) and my first (and only) softball uniform (can you consider a t-shirt a uniform?). It was great hanging out with my sisters. Will got non-stop attention. We ate lots of good food. I was sad to say goodbye.
- We spent a fun-filled weekend in Springfield visiting friends and introducing them to Will. When we moved we left in kind of a whirlwind fashion and didn't get to say goodbye to most of our friends. We had such a great time. It felt like we were back home. The only frustrating thing about the trip was Will. We wanted to show him off, but he was soooo fussy all weekend. Which leads us to the next item of note.
- Will has cut not 1, but 2 teeth. The day after we got back from Springfield I felt like I wouldn't be able to handle Will any more. He was fussy, irritable, and hard to soothe. I told Tony I was at my wits end. I prayed that tomorrow would be a better day. And it was. Will slept 6 hours straight (great for him) and was so much happier the next day. At one point I notice Will put something in his mouth and I swipe my finger to make sure he didn't have anything small in there and I feel something hard. A tooth? Isn't he too young to cut a tooth? A few weeks before at Will's 4 month appointment his pediatrician told us that he was pre-teething, and it would most likely be months before he cut his first tooth. I guess he's an early bloomer? Only time will tell. And just so you know, I sacrificed a finger for this shot.
- Baseball games. And lots of them. Since Will's first baseball game TJ has been to a game in Atlanta, we have gone to another game as a family, and Anthony and I went with his coworkers last Friday. That's a lot of baseball. Plus the countless hours of baseball at home via MLB.tv.
- Out and about! With the nicer weather we have been having lately Will and I have been pounding the pavement and I love it. There is a walking trail near our home and we are getting to know it well. Sometimes I sing to Will. But only if no one is there. My voice is the type of voice only a baby can appreciate. Sometimes we take a break and Will swings.
- Will is five months! He is turing into such a little kid. Sometimes I think I miss the crazy days when he would just fall asleep in my arms and snuggle into me (which is obviously my memory being selective, but at least I am selectively remembering the good times). He doesn't really like to snuggle these days. It's like he always thinks I am trying to get him to sleep. He's probably right. He has the cutest smile. It takes over his whole face. I can't imagine my life without my little buddy. He makes me happy.

thanks for the update :) love my wilskers :) and carroosters too.
First things first- Will is so so adorable. Sadie got him a present to try to win his love (nothing big- it's from Walmart).
Second, Anthony officially looks like a 30-something family man in that picture at the Royals game. Something about the collared shirt and vest screams "responsible" to me.
Third, we will see you in 2 days!!
No advice for the procrastination.... It must run in the family because I struggle with it too. The one thing that helps me kind of keep up on my blog is that it is literally the only documentation of life around here. I eventually make it into a book when I have enough posts so that's my motivation.
Will is too cute! I'm glad he (and you) survived those teeth cutting days.
sooooooo cute!! He is so adorable and I can't believe he has TWO teeth already!!! I love the picture with the swing, you are such a good momma!! :)
I wish I had advice, but I don't. I do know that the last picture (Will and you) is adorable!
I would be screaming too if I had a hair in my mouth... (Check out that second picture of Will.)
Congrats on finishing your class! You definitely deserve a summer off! And way to go Will on your 2 teeth. You're ahead of the curve.
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