Sunday, April 11, 2010

Royals v. Red Sox Take 1

We took Will to his first baseball game last night. As luck would have it, the Red Sox were in town.

There were some down moments, but overall it was a success. We decided he is the perfect age for this sort of thing because he is young enough that he can easily sleep on our laps and he can't wander off. When we first arrived at the stadium he was incredibly alert, looking around and just soaking in all the madness. I don't think he's ever been around so many people before.

I had Will wear his Royals gear. As Anthony and I were taking a pre-game walk around the stadium with Will, a Red Sox fan shouted at Anthony, "Ah man, why did you do that to your kid." I think Will looked cute and the Royal's blue looked good with his eyes.

Will liked the non-stop attention from mom* and the visual stimuli. He really disliked the noise. In fact, the first time he cried at the game was when his father was celebrating Jeremy Hermida's homerun with the other Sox fans in attendance.

Anthony had to temper his enthusiasm after that.

*I was going to say non-stop attention from Mom and Dad, but that's not entirely true. Although his dad did pay him a lot of a attention, we were at a baseball game.Tired family.


Nikki said...

What a cute blondie! He has grown up a lot! So he is partial to the Royals? It's fun that you guys will have the tradition of going to the Royals-Red Sox face-off. It's nice that he'll just still sit on your lap. That works for us, only if we're really lucky.

Tina said...

so fun! I wondered if you would be at the game. We took Anthony VERY early on his life (maybe that's why he likes baseball so much!)and nothing bothered him - not the noise or the fireworks but then Doug was NOT into excessive celebrating so he didn't have to deal with that. Young babies ARE the perfect age. Besides he does look so cute in his blue Royals shirt!

D said...

Will is clearly worried about the royals shaky bullpen, as he should be. He knows his stuff.

Gloria said...

Sooo fun! AND he is absolutely adorable! Kyle would LOOOOOOVE to take M to a Mariners game...but we don't live anywhere near them or any baseball team for that matter, and 2 they aren't doing so hot... :)